Using SimPy to simulate a vaccine clinic - Part 1

An introductory tutorial


Mark Isken


April 4, 2022

Discrete event simulation (DES) is a well established technique for building simulation models of systems characterized by:

Typical applications include building models of healthcare delivery systems, manufacturing systems, computer networks, call centers and many others. In all of these systems there are entities that flow (patients, widgets, packets, phone calls) and contend for resources for processing (nurses to give vaccines, machines to process, servers to accept packets, agents to answer the phone). By building a representative simulation model, we can study how such systems might perform if we changes some important entity or resource related inputs: patient arrival rate, machine processing rate, number of servers or number of agents answering calls. The applications are endless and it can be a whole lot cheaper to experiment with a computer model than to experiment with the real system.

DES models are “what if?” models that can help in predicting outputs of a system for a given set of input values. They can help statistically characterize the projected performance of the system being modeled. For example, we might simulate different assembly line configurations to get a sense of the throughput differences for different processes. For a call center, DES models could help predict the impact on customer wait time of a 25% increase in call volume.

Ultimately, our goal in this module is to develop a DES model model of a simple vaccine clinic consisting of the following process steps:

Arrival --> Temperature check --> Registration --> Vaccination --> Schedule 2nd dose (if needed) --> Wait 15 minutes --> Exit

Conceptually, our model has the following components:

Our model should handle:

Such a model would be quite useful in helping do capacity planning and appointment scheduling for the clinic. We need to decide how many staff are needed at each stage of the clinic visit and how much room we need in the post-vaccination patient observation area.

Let’s start by learning a little about how DES software works, both in general and with respect to SimPy, the Python package we’ll be using.

import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import optimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from numpy.random import default_rng
from IPython.display import Image
import simpy

Under the hood with DES software

Internally, DES software relies on the notion of a simulation clock and a next event list (the discrete events) to decide which event to process next and when to process it. Between these discrete events, nothing happens to the state of the system - the clock “ticks” from event to event. For example, here’s what the next event list might look like (conceptually) at some time \(t=70.1\) during the simulation.


Simulation software such as SimPy does the work of maintaining this list - adding new events, processing the next event, and removing events once they’ve been processed. In many ways, it’s like a job scheduler. When the ongoing event is done with processing, DES software will look at the next event and see that Patient 10 to finish registration will happen at \(t=74.5\). It will:

  • advance the simulation clock to \(74.5\)
  • send a signal that this event is occurring

Our program is “listening” or “waiting to be triggered” by this event and the appropriate part of our code will then do whatever we want to do when a patient finishes the registration process. For example, we might:

  • store the timestamp of when registration was completed for this patient,
  • have the patient request a nurse to begin the actual vaccination,
  • if the nurse is available:
    • generate a random vaccination process time and wait for that time to elapse (a new event gets added to the next event list)
  • if the nurse is not available:
    • the DES software manages the internal requests for resources in some sort of queue

The advantage of using DES software such as SimPy is that it does the tedious work of managing the next event list and all the resource queues. Yes, you could write all this code yourself in any general purpose language, but it’s much easier to use a good simulation library like SimPy.

DES software

DES has a long history and there are numerous commercial packages for doing this type of simulation. Many of these are quite sophisticated and allow you to build very complex, animated models and include comprehensive statistical monitors and analysis tools. Here’s are two short video clips of such a models built with Simio, a modern DES package. As you can see, you can build simple, abstract models as well as very complex and realistic models.

Other popular GUI based DES tools include Arena, ProModel, AnyLogic, FlexSim, SIMUL8 and many others.

While these tools are quite powerful and the ability to create animated models is quite valuable for both model debugging, model validation and communicating with decision makers, there are some downsides:

  • Some of these tools are quite expensive ($10K and up … per license),
  • Can be difficult to share models since expensive, proprietary software is needed,
  • While GUI tools are nice, sometimes complex logic can’t easily be modeled (to be fair, most of these packages do allow some degree of interacting with programming languages such as C#, VBA, Python, Java and others.)

Another approach is to use an open source library based on a general purpose programming language such as C++, Java, or Python. Of course, quality and availability varies and using them requires programming skills. Things like animation and statistical monitors may or may not be built in. Nevertheless, they are a great way to really learn what simulation modeling is all about. And, don’t let the pretty pictures and videos above fool you, underneath them is a next event list and code and data.

In this tutorial we will learn the basics of using a library called SimPy. It’s been around for a few years but it’s certainly a bit of a bare bones package. But, with a little Python knowledge, real simulation models can be built.

Getting started with SimPy

From the SimPy in 10 Minutes tutorial:

SimPy is a discrete-event simulation library. The behavior of active components (like vehicles, customers or messages) is modeled with processes. All processes live in an environment. They interact with the environment and with each other via events.

SimPy makes it easier to build DES models with Python by taking care of things like the simulation clock and the next event list. It provides high level constructs for modeling components of your model as entities, processes and resources.

We are going to build a basic model of a vaccine clinic. It’s a prototypical example in that our model should be able to handle:

  • a random arrival process,
  • a multi-stage process in which we have to contend for limited resources at each stage,
  • there is uncertainty in the processing times,
  • we are interested in things like the relationship between patient volume, resource utilization and patient waiting.

We want to build a model that will be helpful in deciding how many vaccination stations to have, the hours of operation of the vaccine clinic, and the size of the post-vaccine waiting room needed.

Like the SimPy in 10 Minutes tutorial, I will start with the very basics and keep adding on functionality and complexity. Along the way, I’ll try to give you a bit of sense of how SimPy works. Start by reading the Basic Concepts section of the SimPyin 10 tutorial to start to become familiar with some fundamental SimPy concepts:

  • we model many components of our simulation with processes,
  • all of our processes live in a SimPy environment,
  • the processes interact with each other and the SimPy environent through events.

I encourage you to have a Jupyter notebook open as you are going through the SimPy in 10 Minutes tutorial and build the simple Car Simulation model it uses.

Another really good getting started tutorial

I also highly recommend the following tutorial from Real Python. It walks you through building a simulation model a movie theater. It’s very well done and will help you better understand both the big picture of DES modeling and SimPy.

Digging a little deeper into the inner workings of SimPy

If interested, see for more technical details on how SimPy works.

Prelude: Generators

The way that SimPy enables event based modeling is through Python generators. Generators are a special type of function (or method) that acts as an iterator and that remembers its state between calls to it. We also say that generator functions are lazy iterators. They are lazy in the sense that they don’t generate their values until asked to do so. For example, consider using a list comprehension to generate the first 10 perfect squares.

squares = [x ** 2 for x in range(1, 11)]
[1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100]

Now, I’ll replace the brackets in the above list comprehension with parentheses - now it’s something called a generator expression. It creates an iterator (something we can call next on to get the next value in the sequence), but doesn’t actually generate the values until asked.

perfect_squares_gen_1 = (x ** 2 for x in range(1, 11))
<generator object <genexpr> at 0x7fab6be863b0>
for _ in range(10):

Wait, what does this have to do with simulation? Let’s back up and reconsider that previous example. What if we wanted a function that could generate an infinite sequence of perfect squares? Obviously, we can’t just generate a list of an infinite number of perfect squares. Generator functions provide a way to do such things, and they do it by remembering their internal state. For example:

def perfect_squares_gen_2():
    value = 0
    while True:
        value += 1
        yield value ** 2
perfect_squares = perfect_squares_gen_2()

The key is noticing the yield keyword. It serves to return a value from our generator function perfect_square_gen (much like a standard return statement) but ALSO remembers the value of value, a local variable in the function. It also, temporarily, passes control back to whomever called. Since it can remember its state, it knows where it left off whenever the function is called again using next. No need to generate new values until asked. You might have realized that perfect_squares_gen_1 is really just some syntactic sugar for doing what we did in perfect_squares_gen_2.

Now let’s consider something a little more relevant to simulation modeling. We rely on SimPy to provide an manage a simulation clock. Let’s create our own simple clock in Python. However, unlike a normal clock, we tell the clock how large of a “tick” it should make every time we ask it for the time. It should start time time t = 0 and then be incremented by whatever tick size we pass into it.

def simple_clock(tick_size):
    t = 0
    while True:
        print(f"The time was {t} and you asked me to tick {tick_size} time units.")
        t += tick_size
        yield t
clock = simple_clock(5)
The time was 0 and you asked me to tick 5 time units.
The time was 5 and you asked me to tick 5 time units.
The time was 10 and you asked me to tick 5 time units.

The big takeaway is that by using yield, we can have a function that kind of goes into “suspended animation” but can pick up where it left off when it’s asked to. In SimPy, we will have process functions that create events and then yield them and wait for the event to be triggered. The most common such event is a Timeout event - it gets triggered when a specified duration of time has passed on the simulation clock. A Timeout event could be used to model something like the time it takes for a patient to get registered at our clinic. We will also use yield when we need to acquire a resource such as the clinician who will vaccinate the patient. Since we have a finite number of clinicians, the patient may have to wait until one becomes available.

Some additional resources on generators include:

The structure of a SimPy program

There are actually several different ways to structure a SimPy simulation model program. You can do things in an object-oriented fashion, or a more procedural way, or a combination of both. Within these choices there are many different ways to go about developing the details of the model. Even though SimPy has been around for several years, best practices for modeling are still evolving. In addition, things that come as standard features in many commercial simulation packages such as statistical monitoring and animation, are the responsibility of the modeler when using SimPy. This can affect how the model is architected.

In this tutorial, I’m going to try to use a pattern that is easily accessible by new Python simulation modelers. It will use a combination of custom classes as well as process functions.

Before launching into building the entire vaccine clinic model, let’s do a few simple warmup models to become more familiar with SimPy.

Model 1: Creating a patient arrival process

For our vaccine clinic model, we’ll need a way to generate patient arrivals. To start, let’s just generate a new patient every \(n\) minutes. There are no specific time units specified in SimPy. It’s our job to keep our time units straight and is helpful to think of each unit of time as a minute. It would be nice to know when each patient was created to make sure things are working correctly. SimPy has functions for accessing the state of the simulation clock - the current simulation time is accessible from the now attribute of the simulation environment object (which by convention we usually name env). We’ll include print statements to help illustrate what is going in inside the function.


def patient_arrivals(env, interarrival_time=5.0):
    """Generate patients according to a fixed time arrival process"""

    # Create a counter to keep track of number of patients generated and 
    # to serve as unique patient id
    patient = 0

    # Infinite loop for generating patients
    while True:

        # Generate next interarrival time (this will be more complicated later)
        iat = interarrival_time
        # This process will now yield to a 'timeout' event. This process will 
        # resume after iat time units.
        yield env.timeout(iat)

        # Okay, we're back. :) New patient generated = update counter of patients
        patient += 1
        print(f"Patient {patient} created at time {}")

Now we can create a simple simulation model that just generates patients for some fixed amount of time.


In the code below, you’ll see the following line:

env1.process(patient_arrivals(env1, interarrival_time))

This is really doing two things:

  1. The patient_arrivals(env1, interarrival_time) part is calling the patient_arrivals generator function and gets back a Python generator.
  2. The env1.process() part is then registering this generator with the simulation environment (env1 in this example).

In fact, I could have written the above in two lines, one line per step listed above:

arrival_generator = patient_arrivals(env1, interarrival_time)

For any generator function you write (i.e. any function that contains a yield statement), you MUST register it with the simulation enironment by passing the generator with the process function.

# Initialize a simulation environment
env1 = simpy.Environment()

# Create a process generator and start it and add it to the env
# env.process() starts the patient_arrivals process and adds it to the environment
runtime = 25
interarrival_time = 3.0
env1.process(patient_arrivals(env1, interarrival_time))

# Run the simulation
Patient 1 created at time 3.0
Patient 2 created at time 6.0
Patient 3 created at time 9.0
Patient 4 created at time 12.0
Patient 5 created at time 15.0
Patient 6 created at time 18.0
Patient 7 created at time 21.0
Patient 8 created at time 24.0

From a modeling perspective, patients arriving at perfectly equally spaced interarrival times is pretty unrealistic. If we were modeling a “walk-in clinic” in which no patients have scheduled appointments, it would be more appropriate to model patient arrivals by something known as a Poisson arrival process. These processes are characterized by:

  • a constant mean arrival rate (usually denoted by \(\lambda\)),
  • the time between individual arrivals is exponentially distributed,
  • arrivals are independent of each other,
  • the number of arrivals is any time interval of length \(t\), is Poisson distributed with mean \(\lambda t\).

Poisson process are commonly used to model things like calls to call centers, arrivals of patients to an emergency room, and even things like hurricanes. A really nice basic intro is available in the following blog post:

Since Poisson arrival processes have interarrival times that are exponentially distributed, we need to generate exponential random variates within our patient_arrivals function. For this, we’ll use numpy. Recently, numpy has updated their random variable generation routines - details are at

First we need to import the default random number generator and create a random generator variable. I’ll use 4470 as the seed. This generator generates numbers uniformly between 0 and 1, which can be used to generate random variates from whatever distribution we choose. This is kind of like rand() in Excel except that we get to control the generator via a seed value.

from numpy.random import default_rng
rg = default_rng(seed=4470)

In addition to generating random numbers, it’s handy to have a way to compute various quantities of probability distributions. The scipy.stats module contains a large number of probability distributions and each has numerous functions for calculating things such as pdf or CDF values, quantiles, and various moments. You can see the details at We’ll use it here to overlay the exponential pdf (probability density function) on our histogram of generated exponential random variates.

# Import exponential distribution function from scipy.stats
from scipy.stats import expon
# Set mean of this distribution to whatever we were using 
# above for interarrival time
mean_interarrival_time = interarrival_time
# Create a random variable object based on the exponential 
# distribution with the given mean
rv_expon = expon(scale=mean_interarrival_time)
# Generate 1000 exponential random variates 
# (notice this is the exponential function from numpy)
iat_sample = rg.exponential(mean_interarrival_time, 10000)

# Create a histogram of the random samples with exponential pdf overlaid
plt.title("Interarrival time histogram")
plt.xlabel("Interarrival time")
plt.hist(iat_sample, density=True);

# Create values for the x-axis using expon function from SciPy
x_expon = np.linspace(rv_expon.ppf(0.0001),
                rv_expon.ppf(0.999), 500)

# Create values for the y-axis
y_expon_pdf = rv_expon.pdf(x_expon)

plt.plot(x_expon, y_expon_pdf,
       'r-', lw=3, alpha=0.6, label='Exponential pdf');
Figure 1: Interarrival time distribution

Now, we’ll modify our patient arrivals function to use Poisson arrivals instead of equally-spaced deterministic arrivals.

def patient_arrivals_random_1(env, 
                              mean_interarrival_time=5.0, rg=default_rng(0)):
    """Generate patients according to a Poisson arrival process"""

    # Create a counter to keep track of number of patients generated 
    # and to serve as unique patient id
    patient = 0

    # Infinite loop for generating patients
    while True:

        # Generate next interarrival time from exponential distribution
        iat = rg.exponential(mean_interarrival_time)
        # This process will now yield to a 'timeout' event. This process 
        # will resume after iat time units.
        yield env.timeout(iat)

        # Update counter of patients
        patient += 1
        print(f"Patient {patient} created at time {}")

Now we’ll create a new simulation environment and run this new arrival model. You’ll see that the arrivals are not equally spaced.

# Initialize a simulation environment
env2 = simpy.Environment()

# Create a process generator and start it and add it to the env
# env.process() starts and adds it to env
runtime = 25
interarrival_time = 3.0
env2.process(patient_arrivals_random_1(env2, interarrival_time))

# Run the simulation
Patient 1 created at time 2.039795711906729
Patient 2 created at time 5.098587016304323
Patient 3 created at time 5.158007004071489
Patient 4 created at time 5.164814984115174
Patient 5 created at time 6.815843602032318
Patient 6 created at time 11.705664906007474
Patient 7 created at time 13.72641376400917
Patient 8 created at time 15.992317837485343
Patient 9 created at time 24.44267577471252

Model 2: Simplified vaccine clinic with delay processes and one resource

Let’s extend the model a bit and create our first simplified vaccine clinic model by adding:

  • a simple delay process to represent the steps before vaccination - we’ll model this total time in the pre-vaccination stages with another exponential distribution having a mean of 4.25 minutes,
  • a resource for the vaccination stage,
  • another delay process to represent the time the patient has to wait after getting the vaccination before exiting (15 mins).

In other words, let’s pretend that after a patient arrives, the patient spends a random amount of time to go through the stages of the vaccination process before the actual vaccination but then must get a vaccinator resource for the vaccination itself. In other words we are grossly oversimplifying the real system by ignoring many of the details of the vaccination process. To do this, we’ll do two main things:

  • Add a vaccinator resource
  • Create a new process function for our extended model that incorporates the new delays and resource contention,
  • Modify the arrival process to create a vaccination event for each patient arrival,

Acquiring and releasing resources

For the actual vaccination stage, we’ll use a common code block pattern:

  • attempt to acquire a certain type of staff resource using a Python context manager,
  • once we acquire the resource we get vaccinated which takes some amount of time,
  • we release the resource (actually, the context manager will release it for us).
# Request vaccination staff to get registered
with vaccinator.request() as request:
    yield request
    yield env.timeout(rg.normal(mean_vac_time, 0.5)

A few important points about the example above:

  • request is a type of SimPy event corresponding to our request to get one unit of the vac_staff resource,
  • We yield the request - in essence, suspending the function until the request can be satistfied,
  • Now we do another yield but this time we are yielding a new process event, the timeout for the vaccination stage,
  • We modeling the vaccination time with a normal distribution with the given mean and standard deviation (hard-coded for now).
  • By using the with vaccinator.request() as request: context manager, SimPy knows to automatically release the resource once all the steps within the block are executed.
def simplified_vac_process(env, name, mean_prevac_time, 
                           mean_vac_time, mean_postvac_time, vaccinator):
    """Process function modeling how a patient flows through system."""

    print(f"{name} entering vaccination clinic at {}")
    # Yield for the pre-vac time
    yield env.timeout(rg.exponential(mean_prevac_time))
    # Request vaccination staff to get vaccinated
    with vaccinator.request() as request:
        print(f"{name} requested vaccinator at {}")
        yield request
        print(f"{name} got vaccinator at {}")
        yield env.timeout(rg.normal(mean_vac_time, 0.5))
    # Yield for the post-vac time
    yield env.timeout(mean_postvac_time)
    # The process is over, we would exit the clinic
    print(f"{name} exiting vaccination clinic at {}")

Now we can modify our arrival function to interact with our new simplified vaccination process function. Notice since simplified_vac_process does a yield (actually, multiple yields) it is a Python generator function and, from SimPy’s perspective, it’s something we need to register as a process. We’ll do this in our new arrivals function.

Also notice how we have to pass a bunch of parameters around between functions. This is ok here since our model is pretty simple and we aren’t passing that many parameters around. However, as our model grows, this will become more and more of an issue. In a subsequent version of the model, we’ll use a different approach to avoid having to do this.

def patient_arrivals_random_2(env, mean_interarrival_time, 
                              mean_prevac_time, mean_vac_time,
                              mean_postvac_time, vaccinator, rg=default_rng(0)):
    """Generate patients according to a Poisson arrival process"""

    # Create a counter to keep track of number of patients generated 
    # and to serve as unique patient id
    patient = 0

    # Infinite loop for generating patients
    while True:

        # Generate next interarrival time
        iat = rg.exponential(mean_interarrival_time)
        # This process will now yield to a 'timeout' event. 
        # This process will resume after iat time units.
        yield env.timeout(iat)

        # Update counter of patients
        patient += 1

        print(f"Patient{patient} created at time {}")
        # Create and register the simplifed vaccation process process.
        # I'm doing in two steps here, but could combine into one
        # Create a new patient delay process generator object.
        patient_visit = simplified_vac_process(
            env, 'Patient{}'.format(patient), mean_prevac_time, 
            mean_vac_time, mean_postvac_time, vaccinator)
        # Register the process with the simulation environment
        # Here's the one step version
        # env.process(simplified_vac_process(env, 'Patient{}'.format(patient), 
        #                                mean_prevac_time, mean_vac_time, 
        #                                mean_postvac_time, vaccinator))

Ready to create a new simulation environment and run our new model.

# Initialize a simulation environment
env3 = simpy.Environment()

# Set input values
mean_interarrival_time = 3.0
mean_prevac_time = 4.25
mean_vac_time = 4.0
mean_postvac_time = 15.0
num_vaccinators = 2

# Create vaccinator resource
vaccinator = simpy.Resource(env3, num_vaccinators)

# Register our new arrivals process
    env3, mean_interarrival_time, mean_prevac_time, 
    mean_vac_time, mean_postvac_time, vaccinator))

# Run the simulation
runtime = 50
Patient1 created at time 2.039795711906729
Patient1 entering vaccination clinic at 2.0398
Patient2 created at time 5.098587016304323
Patient2 entering vaccination clinic at 5.0986
Patient3 created at time 5.158007004071489
Patient3 entering vaccination clinic at 5.1580
Patient4 created at time 5.164814984115174
Patient4 entering vaccination clinic at 5.1648
Patient3 requested vaccinator at 6.3824
Patient3 got vaccinator at 6.3824
Patient5 created at time 6.815843602032318
Patient5 entering vaccination clinic at 6.8158
Patient1 requested vaccinator at 6.9140
Patient1 got vaccinator at 6.9140
Patient4 requested vaccinator at 7.7684
Patient4 got vaccinator at 10.4267
Patient5 requested vaccinator at 11.4207
Patient5 got vaccinator at 11.4973
Patient2 requested vaccinator at 11.5083
Patient6 created at time 11.705664906007474
Patient6 entering vaccination clinic at 11.7057
Patient7 created at time 13.72641376400917
Patient7 entering vaccination clinic at 13.7264
Patient2 got vaccinator at 15.1662
Patient7 requested vaccinator at 15.7214
Patient7 got vaccinator at 15.8690
Patient8 created at time 15.992317837485343
Patient8 entering vaccination clinic at 15.9923
Patient6 requested vaccinator at 18.9349
Patient6 got vaccinator at 18.9349
Patient8 requested vaccinator at 19.8985
Patient8 got vaccinator at 20.6928
Patient9 created at time 24.44267577471252
Patient9 entering vaccination clinic at 24.4427
Patient9 requested vaccinator at 24.5909
Patient9 got vaccinator at 24.5909
Patient3 exiting vaccination clinic at 25.4267
Patient1 exiting vaccination clinic at 26.4973
Patient4 exiting vaccination clinic at 30.1662
Patient5 exiting vaccination clinic at 30.8690
Patient2 exiting vaccination clinic at 33.7599
Patient7 exiting vaccination clinic at 35.6928
Patient6 exiting vaccination clinic at 37.4405
Patient8 exiting vaccination clinic at 39.4828
Patient10 created at time 42.61593501604024
Patient10 entering vaccination clinic at 42.6159
Patient9 exiting vaccination clinic at 42.6953
Patient10 requested vaccinator at 45.3688
Patient10 got vaccinator at 45.3688

Now that you’ve got a little better idea of how to go about creating very simple SimPy models, let’s tackle a more complex vaccine clinic model. Again, for our first version, we’ll make a number of simplifying assumptions and simplifying software design decisions. Later versions will be better.

Model 3: The vaccine clinic model - version 0.01

Here’s the basic vaccination process we’ll model.

Arrival --> Temperature check --> Registration --> Vaccination --> Schedule dose 2 (if needed) --> Wait 15 min --> Exit

Creating a VaccineClinic class

We will model the clinic itself with a Python class. This class will contain attributes such as:

  • the SimPy environment,
  • resource capacity related inputs,
  • data structures to store data collected as patients flow through the system,
  • the SimPy resources for modeling the various types of staff modeled,
  • process methods corresponding to processing times in each stage in the clinic patient flow diagram.

By having a VaccineClinic class, it makes it easy to encapsulate a bunch of input parameters, such as the capacity levels of the different staff resources, into an object that we can then pass along to other functions. This basic strategy of creating custom classes for distinct components in your simulation model is often quite useful.

For now, notice that the process methods corresponding to each state of the vaccination process have hard coded parameters in this class. Yes, this is bad. But it’s perfectly fine to make such simplifications while you are learning and trying to get a model working. We’ll improve upon this in a later version.

class VaccineClinic(object):
    def __init__(self, env, num_greeters, num_reg_staff, 
                 num_vaccinators, num_schedulers, rg):
        # Simulation environment
        self.env = env
        self.rg = rg
        # Create list to hold timestamps dictionaries (one per patient)
        self.timestamps_list = []
        # Create lists to hold occupancy tuples (time, occ)
        self.postvac_occupancy_list = [(0.0, 0.0)]
        self.vac_occupancy_list = [(0.0, 0.0)]
        # Create resources
        self.greeter = simpy.Resource(env, num_greeters)
        self.reg_staff = simpy.Resource(env, num_reg_staff)
        self.vaccinator = simpy.Resource(env, num_vaccinators)
        self.scheduler = simpy.Resource(env, num_schedulers)

    # Create process methods - hard coding processing time distributions for now
    # TODO - remove hard coding
    # The patient argument is just a unique integer number
    def temperature_check(self, patient):
        yield self.env.timeout(self.rg.normal(0.25, 0.05))

    def registration(self, patient):
        yield self.env.timeout(self.rg.exponential(1.0))

    def vaccinate(self, patient):
        yield self.env.timeout(self.rg.normal(4.0, 0.5))
    def schedule_dose_2(self, patient):
        yield self.env.timeout(self.rg.normal(1.0, 0.25))
    # We assume all patients wait at least 15 minutes post-vaccination
    # Some will choose to wait longer. This is the time beyond 15 minutes
    # that patients wait.
    def wait_gt_15(self, patient):
        yield self.env.timeout(self.rg.exponential(0.5))

The get_vaccinated function

Now we’ll create a general get_vaccinated function to define the sequence of steps traversed by patients. We’ll also capture a bunch of timestamps to make it easy to compute various system performance measures such as patient waiting times, queue sizes and resource utilization. The inputs to this function include:

  • the simulation environment,
  • a patient id,
  • the clinic object (created from VaccineClinic class),
  • the percentage of patients that are there for their first dose,
  • the random number generator.

Acquiring and releasing resources

For each step in the vaccination process, you’ll find a sequence of code blocks in which we:

  • attempt to acquire a certain type of staff resource,
  • once we acquire the resource we get processed by calling the appropriate method of the VaccineClinic object,
  • we release the resource.
# Request reg staff to get registered
with clinic.reg_staff.request() as request:
    yield request
    got_reg_ts =
    yield env.process(clinic.registration(patient, rg))
    release_reg_ts =

A few important points about the example above:

  • request is a type of SimPy event corresponding to our request to get one unit of the reg_staff resource,
  • We yield the request - in essence, suspending the function until the request can be satistfied,
  • once the request is satisfied, the next line, got_reg_ts = gets executed and we get the current simulation time and store it in a local variable, got_reg_ts (later in the code we’ll put this variable value into a dictionary that will persist throughout the entire simulation)
  • Now we do another yield but this time we are yielding a new process event, the actual registration (generator) function, which is part of the clinic object.
  • When the patient is done with the registration process, the next line, release_reg_ts =, captures the registration finish time.

We’ll use this same code pattern throughout the get_vaccinated function as we move through the different stages of the vaccination process.

Patient flow timestamps

You just saw that we create numerous timestamp variables corresponding to things like when a patient starts and ends various stages of the vaccination process. For example:

got_greeter_ts =

Our goal is to be able to compute important durations such as how long each patient waited before starting vaccination or before registration. As long as we gather the necessary timestamps, we can compute an durations we want. At the end of the function you’ll see that all of the timestamps are gathered up into a dictionary along with the patient id number and the dictionary stored in timestamps_list, an attribute of the clinic object.

When the simulation is done, we can convert this list of dictionaries into a pandas dataframe, compute the important time durations for each patient and then do summary stats and plots on these new fields.

Logging occupancy changes

We are also interested in the number of patients present in the vaccination stage and the number in the post-vaccination observation stage. Unfortunately, SimPy no longer has built in monitor classes to track these things. So, we’ll do it ourselves. In order to correctly compute time averaged occupancy statistics, we just need to log the time and occupancy level each time it changes. For example, when a patient acquires a staff member to administer the vaccination, the occupancy in the vaccination stage increases by 1. When the vaccination is complete and the patient releases the resource, the occupancy decreases by 1.

If you look back at the VaccineClinic class definition, you’ll see the initialization for the occupancy lists that we’ll updating.

self.vac_occupancy_list = [(0.0, 0.0)]

The vac_occupancy_list attribute is a list of tuples - (timestamp, occupancy). When the simulation begins, at time 0, there are 0 patients in the vaccination stage. Let’s say that at time 4.5, the first patient starts the vaccination step and the second patient starts at 4.7. Here’s how our vac_occupancy_list is changing

# At time 4.5
self.vac_occupancy_list = [(0.0, 0.0), (4.5, 1)]
# At time 4.7
self.vac_occupancy_list = [(0.0, 0.0), (4.5, 1), (4.7, 2)]

Now assume that one of the patients is done with the vaccination step at time 12.6.

# At time 12.6
self.vac_occupancy_list = [(0.0, 0.0), (4.5, 1), (4.7, 2), (12.6, 1)]

When the simulation is done, we’ll convert the lists of tuples into a pandas dataframe and then do the appropriate statistical analysis to compute things like the mean and 95th percentile of occupancy in these two areas. Such statistics are useful for capacity planning.

def get_vaccinated(env, patient, clinic, pct_first_dose, rg):
    # Patient arrives to clinic - note the arrival time
    arrival_ts =

    # Request a greeter for temperature check
    # By using request() in a context manager, we'll automatically
    # release the resource when done
    with clinic.greeter.request() as request:
        yield request
        # Now that we have a greeter, check temperature. Note time.
        got_greeter_ts =
        yield env.process(clinic.temperature_check(patient))
        release_greeter_ts =

    # Request reg staff to get registered
    with clinic.reg_staff.request() as request:
        yield request
        got_reg_ts =
        yield env.process(clinic.registration(patient))
        release_reg_ts =
    # Request clinical staff to get vaccinated
    with clinic.vaccinator.request() as request:
        yield request
        got_vaccinator_ts =
        # Update vac occupancy - increment by 1
        prev_occ = clinic.vac_occupancy_list[-1][1]
        new_occ = (, prev_occ + 1)
        yield env.process(clinic.vaccinate(patient))
        release_vaccinator_ts =
# Update vac occupancy - decrement by 1 - more compact code
# Note that clinic.vac_occupancy_list[-1] is the last tuple in the list
#  and that clinic.vac_occupancy_list[-1][1] is referencing the occupancy
#  value in the tuple (remember tuple elements are indexed starting with 0, so
#  the timestamp is at [0] and the occupancy is at [1]).
#  BTW, this suggests that perhaps using something known as "namedtuples" might
#  make our code more readable. See 
#  for a good introduction to namedtuples.
  , clinic.vac_occupancy_list[-1][1] - 1))
        # Update postvac occupancy - increment by 1
  , clinic.postvac_occupancy_list[-1][1] + 1))

    # Request scheduler to schedule second dose if needed
    if rg.random() < pct_first_dose:
        with clinic.scheduler.request() as request:
            yield request
            got_scheduler_ts =
            yield env.process(clinic.schedule_dose_2(patient))
            release_scheduler_ts =
        got_scheduler_ts = pd.NA
        release_scheduler_ts = pd.NA
    # Wait at least 15 minutes from time we finished getting vaccinated 
    post_vac_time = - release_vaccinator_ts
    if post_vac_time < 15:
        # Wait until 15 total minutes post vac
        yield env.timeout(15 - post_vac_time)
        # Wait random amount beyond 15 minutes
        yield env.process(clinic.wait_gt_15(patient))
        exit_system_ts =
        # Update postvac occupancy - decrement by 1
  , clinic.postvac_occupancy_list[-1][1] - 1))
    exit_system_ts =    
    #print(f"Patient {patient} exited at time {}")

    # Create dictionary of timestamps
    timestamps = {'patient_id': patient,
                  'arrival_ts': arrival_ts,
                  'got_greeter_ts': got_greeter_ts,
                  'release_greeter_ts': release_greeter_ts,
                  'got_reg_ts': got_reg_ts,
                  'release_reg_ts': release_reg_ts,
                  'got_vaccinator_ts': got_vaccinator_ts,
                  'release_vaccinator_ts': release_vaccinator_ts,
                  'got_scheduler_ts': got_scheduler_ts,
                  'release_scheduler_ts': release_scheduler_ts,
                  'exit_system_ts': exit_system_ts}

The run_clinic function

Now we’ll create a function that runs the clinic for a specified number of hours. The inputs to this function include:

  • the simulation environment,
  • the clinic object,
  • the mean patient interarrival time,
  • the percentage of patients that are there for their first dose,
  • the random number generator,
  • stopping conditions for the simulation through either a stop time and a maximum number of patient arrivals.

Again, notice that since this function contains a yield statement, it is a generator and will need to be registered with the simulation environment (which we’ll do from our main calling program).

def run_clinic(env, clinic, mean_interarrival_time, pct_first_dose, rg, 
               stoptime=simpy.core.Infinity, max_arrivals=simpy.core.Infinity):
    # Create a counter to keep track of number of patients 
    # generated and to serve as unique patient id
    patient = 0

    # Loop for generating patients
    while < stoptime and patient < max_arrivals:

        # Generate next interarrival time
        iat = rg.exponential(mean_interarrival_time)
        # This process will now yield to a 'timeout' event. 
        # This process will resume after iat time units.
        yield env.timeout(iat)

        # New patient generated = update counter of patients
        patient += 1
        #print(f"Patient {patient} created at time {}")

        env.process(get_vaccinated(env, patient, clinic, pct_first_dose, rg))

Finally, we will create a main function that will serve as the entry point to using the simulation. For now, just think of it as the first function we’ll call to launch the simulation. Later we’ll see how we can use this function from a command line interface (CLI) to our simulation model. We will run the simulation for 600 minutes.

def main():
    # For now we are hard coding the patient arrival rate (patients per hour)
    patients_per_hour = 180
    mean_interarrival_time = 1.0 / (patients_per_hour / 60.0)
    pct_first_dose = 0.50
    # Create a random number generator
    rg = default_rng(seed=4470)
    # For now we are going to hard code in the resource capacity levels 
    num_greeters = 2
    num_reg_staff = 2
    num_vaccinators = 12
    num_schedulers = 2
    # Hours of operation
    stoptime = 600 # No more arrivals after this time
    # Create a simulation environment
    env = simpy.Environment()
    # Create a clinic to simulate
    clinic = VaccineClinic(env, num_greeters, num_reg_staff,
                           num_vaccinators, num_schedulers, rg)
    # Register the run_clinic (generator) function
    env.process(run_clinic(env, clinic, mean_interarrival_time, 
                           pct_first_dose, rg, stoptime=stoptime))
    # Actually run the simulation
    # The simulation is over now, let's create the output csv files from 
    # the dataframes created by running the simulation model.
    # Output log files 
    clinic_patient_log_df = pd.DataFrame(clinic.timestamps_list)
        './output/clinic_patient_log_df.csv', index=False)
    vac_occupancy_df = pd.DataFrame(clinic.vac_occupancy_list, columns=['ts', 'occ'])
        './output/vac_occupancy_df.csv', index=False)
    postvac_occupancy_df = pd.DataFrame(
        clinic.postvac_occupancy_list, columns=['ts', 'occ'])
        './output/postvac_occupancy_df.csv', index=False)
    # Note simulation end time
    end_time =
    print(f"Simulation ended at time {end_time}")
    return (end_time)

Alright, let’s run this thing!

clinic_end_time = main()
Simulation ended at time 875.4387606496971

Oh, oh. The clinic ran several hours past it’s intended ending time of 10 hours (600 minutes). Let’s dig into the output files and figure out how to make this clinic run better.

Post-processing the timestamps file

Our simulation model captured numerous timestamps for each patient as they went through the vaccination process. The timestamps were written to a log file with one row per patient. Now we can compute various wait times and service times for each patient and then summarize them for the clinic.

clinic_patient_log_df = pd.read_csv('./output/clinic_patient_log_df.csv')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1795 entries, 0 to 1794
Data columns (total 11 columns):
 #   Column                 Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                 --------------  -----  
 0   patient_id             1795 non-null   int64  
 1   arrival_ts             1795 non-null   float64
 2   got_greeter_ts         1795 non-null   float64
 3   release_greeter_ts     1795 non-null   float64
 4   got_reg_ts             1795 non-null   float64
 5   release_reg_ts         1795 non-null   float64
 6   got_vaccinator_ts      1795 non-null   float64
 7   release_vaccinator_ts  1795 non-null   float64
 8   got_scheduler_ts       871 non-null    float64
 9   release_scheduler_ts   871 non-null    float64
 10  exit_system_ts         1795 non-null   float64
dtypes: float64(10), int64(1)
memory usage: 154.4 KB
patient_id arrival_ts got_greeter_ts release_greeter_ts got_reg_ts release_reg_ts got_vaccinator_ts release_vaccinator_ts got_scheduler_ts release_scheduler_ts exit_system_ts
0 4 0.717711 0.717711 0.939134 1.734766 2.294436 2.294436 5.698411 5.698411 6.549541 21.053885
1 6 1.399215 1.399215 1.622652 2.294436 2.362507 2.362507 6.046302 6.046302 7.341951 21.057118
2 2 0.288373 0.288373 0.565944 0.565944 1.484153 1.484153 6.052770 6.549541 7.418184 21.214928
3 3 0.410287 0.434629 0.763368 1.484153 1.734766 1.734766 6.379838 7.418184 8.711152 22.012266
4 1 0.259164 0.259164 0.434629 0.434629 1.910158 1.910158 6.357624 7.341951 8.590679 22.014115

From these timestamps, it’s easy to compute any duration of interest as the difference between two timestampls. For example, the total time in the system is just the exit_system_ts minus the arrival_ts.

def compute_durations(timestamp_df):
    timestamp_df['wait_for_greeter'] = \
        timestamp_df.loc[:, 'got_greeter_ts'] - timestamp_df.loc[:, 'arrival_ts']
    timestamp_df['wait_for_reg'] = \
        timestamp_df.loc[:, 'got_reg_ts'] - timestamp_df.loc[:, 'release_greeter_ts']
    timestamp_df['wait_for_vaccinator'] = \
        timestamp_df.loc[:, 'got_vaccinator_ts'] - timestamp_df.loc[:, 'release_reg_ts']
    timestamp_df['vaccination_time'] = \
        timestamp_df.loc[:, 'release_vaccinator_ts'] - timestamp_df.loc[:, 'got_vaccinator_ts']
    timestamp_df['wait_for_scheduler'] = \
        timestamp_df.loc[:, 'got_scheduler_ts'] - timestamp_df.loc[:, 'release_vaccinator_ts']
    timestamp_df['post_vacc_time'] = \
        timestamp_df.loc[:, 'exit_system_ts'] - timestamp_df.loc[:, 'release_vaccinator_ts']
    timestamp_df['time_in_system'] = \
        timestamp_df.loc[:, 'exit_system_ts'] - timestamp_df.loc[:, 'arrival_ts']
    return timestamp_df
clinic_patient_log_df = compute_durations(clinic_patient_log_df)
patient_id arrival_ts got_greeter_ts release_greeter_ts got_reg_ts release_reg_ts got_vaccinator_ts release_vaccinator_ts got_scheduler_ts release_scheduler_ts exit_system_ts wait_for_greeter wait_for_reg wait_for_vaccinator vaccination_time wait_for_scheduler post_vacc_time time_in_system
0 4 0.717711 0.717711 0.939134 1.734766 2.294436 2.294436 5.698411 5.698411 6.549541 21.053885 0.000000 0.795632 0.0 3.403975 0.000000 15.355474 20.336174
1 6 1.399215 1.399215 1.622652 2.294436 2.362507 2.362507 6.046302 6.046302 7.341951 21.057118 0.000000 0.671784 0.0 3.683794 0.000000 15.010816 19.657903
2 2 0.288373 0.288373 0.565944 0.565944 1.484153 1.484153 6.052770 6.549541 7.418184 21.214928 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 4.568617 0.496770 15.162158 20.926556
3 3 0.410287 0.434629 0.763368 1.484153 1.734766 1.734766 6.379838 7.418184 8.711152 22.012266 0.024342 0.720784 0.0 4.645072 1.038346 15.632428 21.601979
4 1 0.259164 0.259164 0.434629 0.434629 1.910158 1.910158 6.357624 7.341951 8.590679 22.014115 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 4.447467 0.984327 15.656491 21.754951
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1790 1794 599.571397 599.621665 599.890359 853.968054 854.210189 854.210189 858.397241 858.397241 859.260572 873.405911 0.050268 254.077695 0.0 4.187052 0.000000 15.008670 273.834514
1791 1788 597.674139 597.674139 597.837394 850.057965 853.043204 853.043204 856.690619 NaN NaN 874.055316 0.000000 252.220571 0.0 3.647416 NaN 17.364696 276.381177
1792 1792 599.352287 599.352287 599.621665 853.349500 853.968054 853.968054 857.884302 857.884302 859.154074 874.864149 0.000000 253.727834 0.0 3.916247 0.000000 16.979847 275.511863
1793 1793 599.413497 599.514806 599.682196 853.753272 854.661368 854.661368 859.245274 NaN NaN 874.877901 0.101309 254.071076 0.0 4.583905 NaN 15.632628 275.464405
1794 1795 600.156662 600.156662 600.291826 854.210189 855.706348 855.706348 860.377132 860.377132 861.411327 875.438761 0.000000 253.918363 0.0 4.670784 0.000000 15.061629 275.282099

1795 rows × 18 columns

Histgram of total time in system


Wow, some patients are spending close to five hours in the clinic!

Key summary stats

Let’s look at the wait times for each stage of the process.

clinic_patient_log_df.loc[:, ['wait_for_greeter', 'wait_for_reg',
                              'wait_for_scheduler', 'wait_for_vaccinator', 
wait_for_greeter wait_for_reg wait_for_scheduler wait_for_vaccinator time_in_system
count 1795.000000 1795.000000 871.000000 1795.000000 1795.000000
mean 0.025998 129.663089 0.179059 0.147750 150.574948
std 0.066186 72.980450 0.340598 0.423286 73.001200
min 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 19.277677
25% 0.000000 63.018129 0.000000 0.000000 83.709162
50% 0.000000 128.710459 0.000000 0.000000 149.288585
75% 0.000000 196.835437 0.227505 0.000000 217.463601
max 0.448619 254.077695 2.002851 3.424977 276.381177

Looks like registration is definitely a bottleneck. We should try increasing the number of registration staff and rerunning the model. Of course, the bottleneck can move, but we can keep repeating this process and come up with a workable capacity plan. We’ll do this with a later version of the model that’s implemented as a Python script. It will be much more convenient to try out different scenarios in that way.

For now, let’s just copy our main function and increase the capacity levels quite high (to basically eliminate waiting).

def main():
    # For now we are hard coding the patient arrival rate (patients per hour)
    patients_per_hour = 180
    mean_interarrival_time = 1.0 / (patients_per_hour / 60.0)
    pct_first_dose = 0.50
    # Create a random number generator
    rg = default_rng(seed=4470)
    # For now we are going to hard code in the resource capacity levels
    num_greeters = 5
    num_reg_staff = 5
    num_vaccinators = 15
    num_schedulers = 5
    # Hours of operation
    stoptime = 600 # No more arrivals after this time
    # Create a simulation environment
    env = simpy.Environment()
    # Create a clinic to simulate
    clinic = VaccineClinic(env, num_greeters, 
                           num_reg_staff, num_vaccinators, num_schedulers, rg)
    # Register the run_clinic (generator) function
    env.process(run_clinic(env, clinic, mean_interarrival_time, 
                           pct_first_dose, rg, stoptime=stoptime))
    # Actually run the simulation
    # The simulation is over now, let's create the output csv files from 
    # the dataframes created by running the simulation model.
    # Output log files 
    clinic_patient_log_df = pd.DataFrame(clinic.timestamps_list)
        './output/clinic_patient_log_df.csv', index=False)
    vac_occupancy_df = pd.DataFrame(clinic.vac_occupancy_list, columns=['ts', 'occ'])
        './output/vac_occupancy_df.csv', index=False)
    postvac_occupancy_df = pd.DataFrame(clinic.postvac_occupancy_list, columns=['ts', 'occ'])
        './output/postvac_occupancy_df.csv', index=False)
    # Note simulation end time
    end_time =
    print(f"Simulation ended at time {end_time}")
    return (end_time)

clinic_end_time = main()
Simulation ended at time 623.0704926354564
clinic_patient_log_df = pd.read_csv('./output/clinic_patient_log_df.csv')
clinic_patient_log_df = compute_durations(clinic_patient_log_df)
clinic_patient_log_df.loc[:, ['wait_for_greeter', 'wait_for_reg',
                              'wait_for_scheduler', 'wait_for_vaccinator', 
wait_for_greeter wait_for_reg wait_for_scheduler wait_for_vaccinator time_in_system
count 1778.0 1778.000000 922.000000 1778.000000 1778.000000
mean 0.0 0.130708 0.002411 0.176267 21.039143
std 0.0 0.384609 0.025451 0.409269 1.312444
min 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 17.475336
25% 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 20.126669
50% 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 20.825312
75% 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000929 21.754690
max 0.0 3.593090 0.400001 2.650919 29.633032

The time dependent nature of our metrics

Since each day the clinic starts out empty and then ends ten hours later, the wait times may depend on time of day. Of course there is also likely to be much variability just do to the inherent randomness of the system. Let’s plot a rolling mean for time in system.

y = clinic_patient_log_df['time_in_system'].rolling(100, 10).mean()

Occupancy statistics

In addition to patient level metrics, we are interested in clinic level metrics such as the number of patients in each stage as this will impact space requirements. During the simulation, we collected occupancy data every time a patient entered or exited a stage. So, we need to do time weighted statistics.

postvac_occupancy_df = pd.read_csv('./output/postvac_occupancy_df.csv')
vac_occupancy_df = pd.read_csv('./output/vac_occupancy_df.csv')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 3557 entries, 0 to 3556
Data columns (total 2 columns):
 #   Column  Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------  --------------  -----  
 0   ts      3557 non-null   float64
 1   occ     3557 non-null   float64
dtypes: float64(2)
memory usage: 55.7 KB
ts occ
250 61.144806 40.0
251 61.351138 41.0
252 61.384551 40.0
253 61.485180 39.0
254 61.553590 40.0
255 61.640973 39.0
256 61.691657 40.0
257 61.754711 39.0
258 61.845740 40.0
259 62.015444 39.0
260 62.233272 40.0
261 62.269452 41.0
262 62.347688 42.0
263 62.601885 43.0
264 62.689000 44.0
265 62.967851 45.0
266 63.246709 44.0
267 63.927832 45.0
268 63.944471 46.0
269 63.976801 45.0
270 64.074766 46.0
271 64.386521 45.0
272 64.415047 46.0
273 65.084974 47.0
274 65.257475 48.0

In order to make it easier to compute time averaged statistics, we will compute the amount of time between occupancy changes. These time durations will act as weights for computing time averaged statistics such as average occupancy. You cannot just do a simple average.

# Compute difference between ts[i] i and ts[i + 1] 
# (in pandas this corresponds to periods=-1 in diff() function)
postvac_occupancy_df['occ_weight'] = -1 * postvac_occupancy_df['ts'].diff(periods=-1)
vac_occupancy_df['occ_weight'] = -1 * postvac_occupancy_df['ts'].diff(periods=-1)

# Need last occ_weight to compute weight for last row
last_weight = clinic_end_time - postvac_occupancy_df.iloc[-1, 0]
postvac_occupancy_df.fillna(last_weight, inplace=True)

last_weight = clinic_end_time - vac_occupancy_df.iloc[-1, 0]
vac_occupancy_df.fillna(last_weight, inplace=True)
np.average(a=postvac_occupancy_df['occ'], weights=postvac_occupancy_df['occ_weight'])

To make these ideas more concrete, just look at a few rows of the occupancy dataframe.

ts occ occ_weight
0 0.000000 0.0 4.780552
1 4.780552 1.0 0.177135
2 4.957687 2.0 0.232196
3 5.189882 3.0 0.179204
4 5.369087 4.0 0.436598
... ... ... ...
3552 619.324951 4.0 0.462171
3553 619.787122 3.0 1.081432
3554 620.868554 2.0 1.182041
3555 622.050595 1.0 1.019898
3556 623.070493 0.0 0.000000

3557 rows × 3 columns

Let’s plot the occupancy over time in the post-vaccination stage. The first plot is the entire day and the second just focuses on a small time slice so that we can see that these are discrete integer changes in occupancy.

plt.step(postvac_occupancy_df['ts'], postvac_occupancy_df['occ'])

plt.step(postvac_occupancy_df['ts'], postvac_occupancy_df['occ'])
plt.xlim(20, 24)
plt.ylim(20, 55);

Now let’s plot occupancy in the vaccination stage. Why does it look so different?

plt.step(vac_occupancy_df['ts'], vac_occupancy_df['occ'])

For capacitated resources, we are often interested in utilization. This is just the ratio of total occupancy to available capacity.

num_vaccinators = 15
available_capacity = clinic_end_time * num_vaccinators
used_capacity = clinic_patient_log_df['vaccination_time'].sum()

vaccinator_utilization = used_capacity / available_capacity

print(f"Vaccinator utilization: {vaccinator_utilization:0.3f}")
Vaccinator utilization: 0.760

To do things like weighted standard deviations or weighted quantiles, we can use the statsmodels package.

from statsmodels.stats.weightstats import DescrStatsW
# Create a weighted stats object
weighted_stats = DescrStatsW(postvac_occupancy_df['occ'], weights=postvac_occupancy_df['occ_weight'], ddof=0)
weighted_stats.quantile([0, 0.01, 0.05, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.95, 0.99])
0.00     0.0
0.01     2.0
0.05    30.0
0.25    41.0
0.50    45.0
0.75    50.0
0.95    56.0
0.99    59.0
dtype: float64

If we want to minimize the “startup effect”, we might throw out data for the first 100 patients.

# Create a weighted stats object after throwing out first 100 points
weighted_stats_gt100 = DescrStatsW(postvac_occupancy_df.iloc[100:, 1], weights=postvac_occupancy_df.iloc[100:, 2], ddof=0)

occ_quantiles = weighted_stats_gt100.quantile([0, 0.01, 0.05, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.95, 0.99])
0.00     0.5
0.01    13.0
0.05    35.0
0.25    41.0
0.50    46.0
0.75    50.0
0.95    57.0
0.99    59.0
dtype: float64

We can use these quantiles to create rough CDF and pdf plots of post-vaccination occupancy. From the table above and plot below we can see that about 75% of the time, there are 50 or less patients in the post-vaccination observation area.

plt.plot(occ_quantiles, occ_quantiles.index);

The plot above is the CDF (cumulative distribution function - easy to see because it’s non-decreasing and tops out at 1.0. Now, thet’s plot the pdf (probability density function).

probs = -1 * pd.Series(occ_quantiles.index).diff(-1)
probs.fillna(1.0 - sum(probs[:-1]), inplace=True)
0    0.01
1    0.04
2    0.20
3    0.25
4    0.25
5    0.20
6    0.04
7    0.01
Name: p, dtype: float64
plt.plot(occ_quantiles, probs);

Multiple replications

Since our clinic opens and closes every day, it is technically known as a terminating simulation. For such simulations, we would usually run them multiple times to generate independent samples of our performance metrics (patient wait times, resource utilizations, …). We’ll see how to do this in the next version of our model, but for now, let’s focus on analyzing output from multiple replications.

I ran the model 15 times with 3 greeters, 3 registration staff, 15 vaccinators, and 3 scheduling staff. The (future version) simulation model creates a csv file with the detailed patient log values for each replications. Let’s read it in and see what it looks like.

patient_log_df_g3r3v15s3 = pd.read_csv('output/consolidated_clinic_patient_log_base_g3r3v15s3.csv')
scenario rep_num patient_id arrival_ts got_greeter_ts release_greeter_ts got_reg_ts release_reg_ts got_vaccinator_ts release_vaccinator_ts got_scheduler_ts release_scheduler_ts exit_system_ts wait_for_greeter wait_for_reg wait_for_vaccinator vaccination_time wait_for_scheduler post_vacc_time time_in_system
0 base_g3r3v15s3 1 2 0.288373 0.288373 0.565944 0.565944 1.484153 1.484153 5.558706 NaN NaN 20.912878 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 4.074553 NaN 15.354172 20.624505
1 base_g3r3v15s3 1 10 1.648435 1.648435 1.911957 2.875854 2.962633 2.962633 6.442866 6.682268 7.498553 21.776323 0.000000 0.963898 0.0 3.480233 0.239402 15.333457 20.127888
2 base_g3r3v15s3 1 1 0.259164 0.259164 0.434629 0.434629 1.139493 1.139493 6.272724 6.272724 7.384837 22.300752 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 5.133232 0.000000 16.028028 22.041588
3 base_g3r3v15s3 1 8 0.911402 1.012081 1.326589 2.630813 2.865248 2.865248 7.314367 NaN NaN 22.533807 0.100679 1.304224 0.0 4.449119 NaN 15.219440 21.622405
4 base_g3r3v15s3 1 3 0.410287 0.410287 0.754393 0.754393 2.630813 2.630813 5.938723 NaN NaN 22.660381 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 3.307911 NaN 16.721658 22.250094
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
27185 base_g3r3v15s3 15 1847 599.399426 599.399426 599.618444 634.475270 634.659081 634.659081 638.936172 NaN NaN 654.141097 0.000000 34.856825 0.0 4.277091 NaN 15.204925 54.741671
27186 base_g3r3v15s3 15 1844 598.380409 598.380409 598.606217 633.802787 634.475270 634.475270 638.795936 638.795936 639.789003 654.275778 0.000000 35.196570 0.0 4.320666 0.000000 15.479842 55.895368
27187 base_g3r3v15s3 15 1843 597.621430 597.621430 597.915765 633.279810 634.626771 634.626771 639.019330 639.019330 640.148593 655.157989 0.000000 35.364045 0.0 4.392559 0.000000 16.138660 57.536560
27188 base_g3r3v15s3 15 1848 600.484701 600.484701 600.750725 634.626771 634.874335 634.874335 638.913909 638.913909 639.805500 655.887105 0.000000 33.876045 0.0 4.039574 0.000000 16.973196 55.402404
27189 base_g3r3v15s3 15 1846 598.721551 598.721551 599.031844 634.368403 634.874904 634.874904 638.911883 NaN NaN 655.966865 0.000000 35.336559 0.0 4.036979 NaN 17.054982 57.245314

27190 rows × 20 columns

Now we can group by rep_num and use the pandas describe function on any column we’d like. Let’s look at time_in_system.

stats_time_in_system = patient_log_df_g3r3v15s3.groupby(['rep_num'])['time_in_system'].describe()
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
1 1929.0 49.043118 14.893610 19.698536 35.984470 52.857447 62.228987 75.488876
2 1910.0 33.721613 7.007718 19.023047 28.275423 32.737625 38.922824 55.494797
3 1799.0 41.316540 10.008834 19.027169 32.943178 44.705651 49.662110 61.666545
4 1794.0 31.740397 6.273753 19.177982 27.359455 30.976362 35.906316 49.279793
5 1809.0 28.626362 4.820031 18.864741 24.910361 28.060628 32.681249 43.897147
6 1832.0 35.945118 11.389806 18.999475 26.848952 32.167756 44.050051 65.553491
7 1785.0 48.813774 9.715461 20.629835 45.179456 49.815001 55.317576 68.564213
8 1745.0 24.486740 2.909481 18.562927 22.258011 24.092286 26.317948 37.303865
9 1777.0 28.229592 4.391210 18.790706 24.555932 28.275703 31.887550 39.611643
10 1769.0 40.240274 9.262980 18.601473 33.981803 43.122620 47.607609 55.280367
11 1847.0 38.460422 11.041479 19.112033 31.152717 35.161337 42.050061 67.575319
12 1815.0 35.208928 6.986184 19.141572 30.686056 35.574528 39.527698 52.652016
13 1744.0 32.137750 8.443889 18.197370 24.302848 30.557531 39.680532 52.206389
14 1787.0 31.339861 6.083747 19.112139 25.641470 32.302248 36.275603 45.717248
15 1848.0 43.752521 12.150070 19.216871 30.438505 49.376915 53.491648 62.609229

Usually when doing simulation output analysis of terminating simulations, we want to give some sense of our uncertainty about summary statistics such as those in the table above. We do this through confidence intervals (CI)]. In order to compute an approximate 95% CI on the mean time in system, we compute the mean (let’s call it \(\bar{Y}\)) and standard deviation (let’s call it \(S\)) of the mean column in the above output of describe. Then our CI is:

\[ \bar{Y} \pm 1.96 \frac{S}{\sqrt{n}} \]

where \(n\) is the number of simulation replications and the \(1.96\) is the 97.5th percentile of the standard normal distribution (since we are building a 95% CI, we want 2.5% outside of the upper and lower limits). You might recall from your basic statistics course that \(\frac{S}{\sqrt{n}}\) is called the standard error and that \(1.96 \frac{S}{\sqrt{n}}\) is called the half-width of the CI. What’s nice about doing simulation is that we can make the half-width narrower by simply running more replications (and getting a more precise estimate of our mean performance measure).

n = stats_time_in_system['mean'].count()
Y_bar = stats_time_in_system['mean'].mean()
S = stats_time_in_system['mean'].std()

… and here’s the confidence interval on the mean time in system.

print(f"({Y_bar - 1.96 * S / math.sqrt(n):.3f}, {Y_bar + 1.96 * S / math.sqrt(n):.3f}) minutes")
(32.490, 39.918) minutes

Remember, a CI on the mean of some performance measure is NOT the same as the percentiles of the distribution of the individual time in system values. For example, here’s a histogram of all of the time_in_system values across all the replications.


Possible improvements

Now that we have a rough first model working, let’s think about some possible improvements. There are many as we’ve taken numerous shortcuts to get this model working. We definitely want to make it easier to experiment with different scenarios involving capacity levels and patient volume. A few potential improvements include:

  • Specifying the global sim inputs through a command line interface (CLI)
  • Getting rid of hard coded processing time distributions
  • Automating the post-processing of simulation outputs to create summary statistics.

There are many more possible improvements. For example, it would be nice to model arrivals in which a batch of patients is given an appointment time every, say, 10 minutes.

In the next notebook, we’ll tackle some of these improvements.

More SimPy resources

I suggest taking a look at some the following resources to get a sense of different ways of building SimPy models.

From the SimPy docs:

From Real Python:

From a healthcare modeling workshop

These are long but quite good. The modeling approach they use is similar to what I cover in our session. * Session 5B: Building a DES model with SimPy - this is a YouTube vid from a healthcare modeling workshop and they go through models very similar to this clinic model. They use a non-OO approach but many things are the same. * Session 5C: Object-oriented SimPy - follow up to the video above.

From a few of my blog posts:

Some computer network based examples:

  • Basic Network Simulations and Beyond in Python - good examples of network simulation models, building components to extend SimPy components. I found this site very helpful when I was building the patient flow models in the above two blog posts.



BibTeX citation:
  author = {Isken, Mark},
  title = {Using {SimPy} to Simulate a Vaccine Clinic - {Part} 1},
  date = {2022-04-04},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Isken, Mark. 2022. “Using SimPy to Simulate a Vaccine Clinic - Part 1.” April 4, 2022.