hillmaker 0.8.0 released
Major updates to hillmaker
The hillmaker team is happy to announce that we have released a new version of hillmaker that contains some significant improvements. Probably the biggest improvement is actual documentation - https://hillmaker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/intro.html
Other improvements include:
- choice of CLI, an object oriented API and a function based API that makes hillmaker easy to use from the command line, Jupyter notebooks or Python scripts,
- many input parameters for controlling hillmaker computations and outputs,
- enhanced plotting capabilities,
- can specify inputs via a TOML formatted config file,
- input validation handled via a pydantic model,
- automated tests for occupancy computations,
- added extensive conservation of flow checks,
- detailed logging,
- summary reports for length of stay and implied operating hours.
- added examples to docstrings for API related elements.
See the CHANGELOG for more details on changes in this version.
A few things haven’t changed:
- main GitHub site is still https://github.com/misken/hillmaker,
- You can install using pip or conda-forge (coming soon) or using source from GitHub (see main GitHub site or the docs).
- In addition to the new documentation, you can find other example Jupyter notebooks and Python scripts at the hillmaker-examples repo on GitHub.
Future plans
For the next major release we hope to have a form based GUI as another user interface option. Those who have used the old MS Access version of hillmaker will recall that it had a form based GUI that made it easy to use by non-programmers. We also will add additional analytical capabilities as well as better scenario management functionality.