Algal bloom detection extended tutorial - Part 3: Finding images of interest

Programmatically gather multiple images with the PyStac API and rescale Landsat images


Mark Isken


January 29, 2023

This is part of the geonewb series of posts.

In Part 2 of this series we got familiar with Microsoft’s Planetary computer and learned a bit about Sentinel-2 image files. Now we’ll move on in the tutorial to exploring:

As mentioned in Part 1, I’m following along and taking some deeper dives and various detours from the official Getting Started Tutorial.

In subsequent parts we’ll tackle the feature engineering and predictive modeling sections of the original tutorial.

# Need to do some date math and need to work with file paths
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import Image
from PIL import Image as PILImage
%matplotlib inline

Finding and acquiring satellite imagery data

Unline many challenges at DrivenData, the feature data for this challenge is not directly provided. We need to get it using various APIs from specific sources. The date and location for each uid in the metadata can be used to find relevant satellite images from a number of different places. There are four approved data sources and all the details are described on the project home page at the following links:

For now we will just focus on finding relevant Sentinel-2 and Landsat data. This page in the challenge site has additional information and resources related to retrieving satellite imagery data. From that page you can get a very good high level overview of the different levels of satellite imagery data, top of atmosphere reflectance vs bottom of atmosphere reflectance, atmospheric corrections, spectral bands and algorithmic bands, as well as the relevant links for accessing data from the MPC.

From the main tutorial:

The general steps we’ll use to pull satellite data are:

  1. Establish a connection to the Planetary Computer’s STAC API using the planetary_computer and pystac_client Python packages.

  2. Query the STAC API for scenes that capture our in situ labels. For each sample, we’ll search for imagery that includes the sample’s location (latitude and longitude) around the date the sample was taken. In this benchmark, we’ll use only Sentinel-2 L2A and Landsat Level-2 data.

  3. Select one image for each sample. We’ll use Sentinel-2 data wherever it is available, because it is higher resolution. We’ll have to use Landsat for data before roughly 2016, because Sentinel-2 was not available yet.

  4. Convert the image to a 1-dimensional list of features that can be input into our tree model

Code driven search for images with the STAC API

In Part 2, we manually used the MPC Explore feature to find an image of interest. Now, we’ll use a lat-long pair along with a date range to find all the images available for that location at that time. For the lat-long value of interest I picked out a point in the little body of water outlined below. The underlying image is from Open Topography.

lat = 45.03967636446461
long = -83.30284787280465
# Establish a connection to the STAC API
import planetary_computer as pc
from pystac_client import Client

# Useful libs for working with this data
import geopy.distance as distance
import geopandas as gpd
import shapely
import rioxarray

Let’s create a few functions to make it easy to define a bounding box around a lat, long pair. This code is right from the tutorial.

Time range: We want our feature data to be as close to the time of the sample as possible, because in algal blooms in small water bodies form and move very rapidly. Remember, you cannot use any data collected after the date of the sample.

Imagery taken with roughly 10 days of the sample will generally still be an accurate representation of environmental conditions at the time of the sample. For some data points you may not be able to get data within 10 days, and may have to use earlier data. We’ll search the fifteen days up to the sample time, including the sample date.

# get our bounding box to search latitude and longitude coordinates
def get_bounding_box(latitude, longitude, meter_buffer=1000):
    Given a latitude, longitude, and buffer in meters, returns a bounding
    box around the point with the buffer on the left, right, top, and bottom.

    Returns a list of [minx, miny, maxx, maxy]
    distance_search = distance.distance(meters=meter_buffer)

    # calculate the lat/long bounds based on ground distance
    # bearings are cardinal directions to move (south, west, north, and east)
    min_lat = distance_search.destination((latitude, longitude), bearing=180)[0]
    min_long = distance_search.destination((latitude, longitude), bearing=270)[1]
    max_lat = distance_search.destination((latitude, longitude), bearing=0)[0]
    max_long = distance_search.destination((latitude, longitude), bearing=90)[1]

    return [min_long, min_lat, max_long, max_lat]
# get our date range to search, and format correctly for query
def get_date_range(date, time_buffer_days=10):
    """Get a date range to search for in the planetary computer based
    on a sample's date. The time range will include the sample date
    and time_buffer_days days prior

    Returns a string"""
    datetime_format = "%Y-%m-%dT"
    range_start = pd.to_datetime(date) - timedelta(days=time_buffer_days)
    date_range = f"{range_start.strftime(datetime_format)}/{pd.to_datetime(date).strftime(datetime_format)}"

    return date_range
target_date = "2022-06-15"
target_date_range = get_date_range(target_date)

This next step essentially “signs in” to the MPC catalog of data so that we can search and acquire the data we are interested in.

catalog =
    "", modifier=pc.sign_inplace

<Client id=microsoft-pc>

To search the catalog we will supply three different types of criteria:

  • which collections to search (e.g. “sentinel-2-l2a”)
  • a bounding box of coordinates
  • a date range

Any item with the specified collection(s), that intersect the bounding box and were acquired within the date range will be returned.

bbox = get_bounding_box(lat, long, meter_buffer=3000)
[-83.34092260849519, 45.01268150971338, -83.2647731371141, 45.06667109107233]
# search the planetary computer sentinel-l2a and Landsat level 2
search =
    collections=["sentinel-2-l2a", "landsat-c2-l2"], bbox=bbox, datetime=target_date_range

# see how many items were returned
items = search.get_all_items()
print(f'{len(items)} items found')
print(f'items is a {type(items)}')
print(f'items[0] is a {type(items[0])}')
17 items found
items is a <class 'pystac.item_collection.ItemCollection'>
items[0] is a <class 'pystac.item.Item'>

Great, it worked. By looking at the id values, we can see how many Sentinel-2 vs Landsat images we found.

for item in items:

Look at the properties for a Sentinel-2 item and a Landsat item.

# Sentinel-2 item
{'datetime': '2022-06-13T16:18:29.024000Z',
 'platform': 'Sentinel-2B',
 'proj:epsg': 32617,
 'instruments': ['msi'],
 's2:mgrs_tile': '17TLL',
 'constellation': 'Sentinel 2',
 's2:granule_id': 'S2B_OPER_MSI_L2A_TL_ESRI_20220614T113427_A027522_T17TLL_N04.00',
 'eo:cloud_cover': 87.161016,
 's2:datatake_id': 'GS2B_20220613T161829_027522_N04.00',
 's2:product_uri': 'S2B_MSIL2A_20220613T161829_N0400_R040_T17TLL_20220614T113426.SAFE',
 's2:datastrip_id': 'S2B_OPER_MSI_L2A_DS_ESRI_20220614T113427_S20220613T162212_N04.00',
 's2:product_type': 'S2MSI2A',
 'sat:orbit_state': 'descending',
 's2:datatake_type': 'INS-NOBS',
 's2:generation_time': '2022-06-14T11:34:26.294534Z',
 'sat:relative_orbit': 40,
 's2:water_percentage': 6.461042,
 's2:mean_solar_zenith': 25.4829228231717,
 's2:mean_solar_azimuth': 146.024549969213,
 's2:processing_baseline': '04.00',
 's2:snow_ice_percentage': 0.0,
 's2:vegetation_percentage': 6.113103,
 's2:thin_cirrus_percentage': 33.120424,
 's2:cloud_shadow_percentage': 0.067276,
 's2:nodata_pixel_percentage': 14.849125,
 's2:unclassified_percentage': 0.045276,
 's2:dark_features_percentage': 0.000943,
 's2:not_vegetated_percentage': 0.151341,
 's2:degraded_msi_data_percentage': 0.0127,
 's2:high_proba_clouds_percentage': 3.011082,
 's2:reflectance_conversion_factor': 0.970306720412633,
 's2:medium_proba_clouds_percentage': 51.029509,
 's2:saturated_defective_pixel_percentage': 0.0}
# Landsat item
{'gsd': 30,
 'created': '2022-06-28T23:39:39.840750Z',
 'sci:doi': '10.5066/P9OGBGM6',
 'datetime': '2022-06-12T16:15:20.609822Z',
 'platform': 'landsat-9',
 'proj:epsg': 32617,
 'proj:shape': [8001, 7901],
 'description': 'Landsat Collection 2 Level-2',
 'instruments': ['oli', 'tirs'],
 'eo:cloud_cover': 79.41,
 'proj:transform': [30.0, 0.0, 245685.0, 0.0, -30.0, 5060415.0],
 'view:off_nadir': 0,
 'landsat:wrs_row': '029',
 'landsat:scene_id': 'LC90200292022163LGN00',
 'landsat:wrs_path': '020',
 'landsat:wrs_type': '2',
 'view:sun_azimuth': 138.06479334,
 'landsat:correction': 'L2SP',
 'view:sun_elevation': 63.60158079,
 'landsat:cloud_cover_land': 86.06,
 'landsat:collection_number': '02',
 'landsat:collection_category': 'T1'}

Yep, some of the assets are different, though some are shared. Down below we’ll see that we’ll need to process the Landsat assets differently that we do the Sentinel-2 assets:

  • Sentinel-2 contains a ‘visual’ band that includes the red, green, and blue bands,
  • Landsat has individual red, green and blue bands, but not a convenient ‘visual’ band,
  • From the crop_landsat_image() function in the tutorial, it looks likr Landsat RGB values need to be normalized to 0-255 to be consistent with Sentinel-2.
  • That same function uses odc.stac.load() instead of rioxarray.
  • The gsd property of the Landsat item indicates that the resolution is 30m. Sentinel-2 gives us 10m resolution for several of the bands.

Do items contain our sample point?

GeoPandas can help us answer this question with spatial queries. From the original tutorial (yes, we are using a different point and different target date):

Remember that our example measurement was taken on 2021-09-27 at coordinates (41.98006, -110.65734). Because we used a bounding box around the sample to search, the Planetary Computer returned all items that contain any part of that bounding box. This means we still have to double check whether each item actually contains our sample point.

UPDATE 2023-02-07

While digging through some other tutorial and the STAC API docs, I realized that there is a built in intersects=<POINT> argument that avoid this whole issue of downloading a bunch of images that might not even intersect our point of interest. We can also easily avoid images with large cloud cover values. We can just do this:

from shapely.geometry import Point

cloud_cover_thresh = 50

search =
    collections=["sentinel-2-l2a", "landsat-c2-l2"],
    intersects=Point((long, lat)),
    query={"eo:cloud_cover": {"lt": cloud_cover_thresh}},

Oh well, I needed to start to learn to use GeoPandas anyway.


We will use GeoPandas to create a GeoDataFrame based on the collection of STAC items. This will allow us to do spatial queries such as checking if each item contains our sample point (a lat-long pair) - though it appears in the tutorial that a subset of this GeoDataFrame is converted to a pandas DataFrame and then the lat-long sample point value is manually checked to see if it’s in the bounding box. Seems like there must be a GeoPandas way to do the same.

What exactly is GeoPandas again? The basic idea is to combine the capabilites of pandas with the shapely library to allow you to work with geospatial data in a pandas-like way.

GeoPandas is an open source project to make working with geospatial data in python easier. GeoPandas extends the datatypes used by pandas to allow spatial operations on geometric types. Geometric operations are performed by shapely GeoPandas further depends on fiona for file access and matplotlib for plotting.

Conventiently, you can create a GeoDataFrame from the features dictionary returned by the STAC items collection’s to_dict method.

items_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(items.to_dict(), crs="epsg:4326")
geometry datetime platform proj:epsg instruments s2:mgrs_tile constellation s2:granule_id eo:cloud_cover s2:datatake_id ... landsat:wrs_row landsat:scene_id landsat:wrs_path landsat:wrs_type view:sun_azimuth landsat:correction view:sun_elevation landsat:cloud_cover_land landsat:collection_number landsat:collection_category
0 POLYGON ((-83.52837 45.03720, -83.50498 45.106... 2022-06-13T16:18:29.024000Z Sentinel-2B 32617 [msi] 17TLL Sentinel 2 S2B_OPER_MSI_L2A_TL_ESRI_20220614T113427_A0275... 87.161016 GS2B_20220613T161829_027522_N04.00 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 POLYGON ((-83.53807 45.00860, -83.50498 45.106... 2022-06-13T16:18:29.024000Z Sentinel-2B 32617 [msi] 17TLK Sentinel 2 S2B_OPER_MSI_L2A_TL_ESRI_20220614T110342_A0275... 95.372748 GS2B_20220613T161829_027522_N04.00 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 POLYGON ((-83.53731 45.01084, -83.50498 45.106... 2022-06-13T16:18:29.024000Z Sentinel-2B 32616 [msi] 16TGR Sentinel 2 S2B_OPER_MSI_L2A_TL_ESRI_20220614T112542_A0275... 99.999827 GS2B_20220613T161829_027522_N04.00 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 POLYGON ((-83.83576 44.11947, -83.80033 44.226... 2022-06-13T16:18:29.024000Z Sentinel-2B 32616 [msi] 16TGQ Sentinel 2 S2B_OPER_MSI_L2A_TL_ESRI_20220614T112404_A0275... 99.957287 GS2B_20220613T161829_027522_N04.00 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 POLYGON ((-83.56556 45.66118, -84.14055 43.950... 2022-06-12T16:15:20.609822Z landsat-9 32617 [oli, tirs] NaN NaN NaN 79.410000 NaN ... 029 LC90200292022163LGN00 020 2 138.064793 L2SP 63.601581 86.06 02 T1

5 rows × 51 columns
<class 'geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 17 entries, 0 to 16
Data columns (total 51 columns):
 #   Column                                   Non-Null Count  Dtype   
---  ------                                   --------------  -----   
 0   geometry                                 17 non-null     geometry
 1   datetime                                 17 non-null     object  
 2   platform                                 17 non-null     object  
 3   proj:epsg                                17 non-null     int64   
 4   instruments                              17 non-null     object  
 5   s2:mgrs_tile                             14 non-null     object  
 6   constellation                            14 non-null     object  
 7   s2:granule_id                            14 non-null     object  
 8   eo:cloud_cover                           17 non-null     float64 
 9   s2:datatake_id                           14 non-null     object  
 10  s2:product_uri                           14 non-null     object  
 11  s2:datastrip_id                          14 non-null     object  
 12  s2:product_type                          14 non-null     object  
 13  sat:orbit_state                          14 non-null     object  
 14  s2:datatake_type                         14 non-null     object  
 15  s2:generation_time                       14 non-null     object  
 16  sat:relative_orbit                       14 non-null     float64 
 17  s2:water_percentage                      14 non-null     float64 
 18  s2:mean_solar_zenith                     14 non-null     float64 
 19  s2:mean_solar_azimuth                    14 non-null     float64 
 20  s2:processing_baseline                   14 non-null     object  
 21  s2:snow_ice_percentage                   14 non-null     float64 
 22  s2:vegetation_percentage                 14 non-null     float64 
 23  s2:thin_cirrus_percentage                14 non-null     float64 
 24  s2:cloud_shadow_percentage               14 non-null     float64 
 25  s2:nodata_pixel_percentage               14 non-null     float64 
 26  s2:unclassified_percentage               14 non-null     float64 
 27  s2:dark_features_percentage              14 non-null     float64 
 28  s2:not_vegetated_percentage              14 non-null     float64 
 29  s2:degraded_msi_data_percentage          14 non-null     float64 
 30  s2:high_proba_clouds_percentage          14 non-null     float64 
 31  s2:reflectance_conversion_factor         14 non-null     float64 
 32  s2:medium_proba_clouds_percentage        14 non-null     float64 
 33  s2:saturated_defective_pixel_percentage  14 non-null     float64 
 34  gsd                                      3 non-null      float64 
 35  created                                  3 non-null      object  
 36  sci:doi                                  3 non-null      object  
 37  proj:shape                               3 non-null      object  
 38  description                              3 non-null      object  
 39  proj:transform                           3 non-null      object  
 40  view:off_nadir                           3 non-null      float64 
 41  landsat:wrs_row                          3 non-null      object  
 42  landsat:scene_id                         3 non-null      object  
 43  landsat:wrs_path                         3 non-null      object  
 44  landsat:wrs_type                         3 non-null      object  
 45  view:sun_azimuth                         3 non-null      float64 
 46  landsat:correction                       3 non-null      object  
 47  view:sun_elevation                       3 non-null      float64 
 48  landsat:cloud_cover_land                 3 non-null      float64 
 49  landsat:collection_number                3 non-null      object  
 50  landsat:collection_category              3 non-null      object  
dtypes: float64(23), geometry(1), int64(1), object(26)
memory usage: 6.9+ KB

Looks like there are clearly two different groups of images - fourteen Sentinel-2 images and three Landsat images. Let’s confirm by using the pandas-like capabilities of GeoPandas.

The geometry column has a geometry data type (a GeoPandas thing) and the values are POLYGON objects from the shapely library.

Sentinel-2A 6
Sentinel-2B 8
landsat-8 2
landsat-9 1
items_df.groupby(['platform'])[['platform', 's2:mgrs_tile', 'gsd']].count()
platform s2:mgrs_tile gsd
Sentinel-2A 6 6 0
Sentinel-2B 8 8 0
landsat-8 2 0 2
landsat-9 1 0 1

One of the advantages of GeoPandas is that we can do spatial queries.

# Create a shapely Point object using the lat-long coordinates of interest
sample_point = shapely.geometry.Point((long, lat))

We can use contains() to check of the sample point is contained within the geometry object of each row in the GeoDataFrame. We’ll add a new boolean column which indicates whether or not GeoPandas classifies each row as containing the sample point.

items_df['gpd_contains_point'] = items_df['geometry'].contains(sample_point)
items_df[['geometry', 'gpd_contains_point']]
geometry gpd_contains_point
0 POLYGON ((-83.52837 45.03720, -83.50498 45.106... False
1 POLYGON ((-83.53807 45.00860, -83.50498 45.106... True
2 POLYGON ((-83.53731 45.01084, -83.50498 45.106... True
3 POLYGON ((-83.83576 44.11947, -83.80033 44.226... True
4 POLYGON ((-83.56556 45.66118, -84.14055 43.950... True
5 POLYGON ((-82.14621 45.08712, -82.15765 45.059... False
6 POLYGON ((-84.41644 46.02437, -83.00067 45.983... True
7 POLYGON ((-85.12959 45.66361, -85.70455 43.952... True
8 POLYGON ((-84.62940 47.08717, -85.22759 45.378... True
9 POLYGON ((-83.51840 45.03736, -83.48218 45.144... False
10 POLYGON ((-83.53696 44.98261, -83.53192 44.997... True
11 POLYGON ((-83.52750 45.01056, -83.48218 45.144... True
12 POLYGON ((-83.82636 44.11920, -83.77829 44.263... True
13 POLYGON ((-82.14615 45.08446, -82.15646 45.059... False
14 POLYGON ((-82.14615 45.08442, -82.20325 44.945... True
15 POLYGON ((-84.41644 46.02437, -83.00067 45.983... True
16 POLYGON ((-84.45737 45.12552, -83.06390 45.085... True

Great. Now let’s pluck out just some key metadata along with the STAC item object itself and store in a GeoDataFrame. Then we’ll add a column indicating whether that item contains our sample point.

Ah, now I see why the original tutorial did the creation of a pandas DataFrame and a manual check of the sample point against the bbox - the bbox doesn’t get added as a column to the GeoDataFrame. I’ll take a slightly different approach and leverage GeoPandas and shapely.

# Need shape function from shapely to convert geometry dict to shape object
from shapely.geometry import shape

item_details_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
            "datetime": item.datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
            "geometry": shape(item.geometry),
            "min_long": item.bbox[0],
            "max_long": item.bbox[2],
            "min_lat": item.bbox[1],
            "max_lat": item.bbox[3],
            "bbox": item.bbox,
            "sample_point": sample_point,
            "item_obj": item,
        for item in items

# Add column indicating if sample point contained in item geometry
item_details_gdf["contains_sample_point"] = item_details_gdf.apply(lambda x: x.geometry.contains(x.sample_point), axis=1)

    f"Filtering the GeoDataFrame resulted in {item_details_gdf.contains_sample_point.sum()}/{len(item_details_gdf)} items that contain the sample location\n"

# Filter out the items that do NOT contain our sample point
item_details_gdf = item_details_gdf[item_details_gdf["contains_sample_point"]]
item_details_gdf[["datetime", "platform", "contains_sample_point", "cloud_cover", "bbox", "item_obj"]].sort_values(
Filtering the GeoDataFrame resulted in 13/17 items that contain the sample location
datetime platform contains_sample_point cloud_cover bbox item_obj
14 2022-06-06 Sentinel-2B True 100.000000 [-83.54315, 44.13799675, -82.14615, 45.14807318] <Item id=S2B_MSIL2A_20220606T162839_R083_T17TL...
15 2022-06-06 Sentinel-2B True 99.779093 [-84.4613, 44.99758761, -83.00067, 46.02436508] <Item id=S2B_MSIL2A_20220606T162839_R083_T16TG...
16 2022-06-06 Sentinel-2B True 100.000000 [-84.50015, 44.09977092, -83.0639, 45.12552488] <Item id=S2B_MSIL2A_20220606T162839_R083_T16TG...
10 2022-06-08 Sentinel-2A True 73.155582 [-83.53696, 44.13799675, -82.12808, 45.14807318] <Item id=S2A_MSIL2A_20220608T161841_R040_T17TL...
11 2022-06-08 Sentinel-2A True 62.271535 [-83.5275, 44.99758761, -83.00067, 45.98904329] <Item id=S2A_MSIL2A_20220608T161841_R040_T16TG...
12 2022-06-08 Sentinel-2A True 97.201419 [-83.826355, 44.09977092, -83.0639, 45.09827524] <Item id=S2A_MSIL2A_20220608T161841_R040_T16TG...
6 2022-06-11 Sentinel-2A True 37.726283 [-84.4613, 44.99758761, -83.00067, 46.02436508] <Item id=S2A_MSIL2A_20220611T162911_R083_T16TG...
7 2022-06-11 landsat-8 True 36.880000 [-85.73558553, 43.51420503, -82.75131771, 45.6... <Item id=LC08_L2SP_021029_20220611_02_T1>
8 2022-06-11 landsat-8 True 49.950000 [-85.3846599, 44.88733525, -82.18147251, 47.14... <Item id=LC08_L2SP_021028_20220611_02_T1>
4 2022-06-12 landsat-9 True 79.410000 [-84.26389548, 43.49313512, -81.21392752, 45.6... <Item id=LC09_L2SP_020029_20220612_02_T1>
1 2022-06-13 Sentinel-2B True 95.372748 [-83.53807319, 44.13799675, -82.1280813, 45.14... <Item id=S2B_MSIL2A_20220613T161829_R040_T17TL...
2 2022-06-13 Sentinel-2B True 99.999827 [-83.5373128, 44.99758761, -83.00067944, 45.98... <Item id=S2B_MSIL2A_20220613T161829_R040_T16TG...
3 2022-06-13 Sentinel-2B True 99.957287 [-83.83576164, 44.09977092, -83.06390244, 45.0... <Item id=S2B_MSIL2A_20220613T161829_R040_T16TG...

Confirm we’ve create a GeoDataFrame containing a geometry column with an actual geometry dtype.

<class 'geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame'>
Int64Index: 13 entries, 1 to 16
Data columns (total 12 columns):
 #   Column                 Non-Null Count  Dtype   
---  ------                 --------------  -----   
 0   datetime               13 non-null     object  
 1   geometry               13 non-null     geometry
 2   platform               13 non-null     object  
 3   cloud_cover            13 non-null     float64 
 4   min_long               13 non-null     float64 
 5   max_long               13 non-null     float64 
 6   min_lat                13 non-null     float64 
 7   max_lat                13 non-null     float64 
 8   bbox                   13 non-null     object  
 9   sample_point           13 non-null     object  
 10  item_obj               13 non-null     object  
 11  contains_sample_point  13 non-null     bool    
dtypes: bool(1), float64(5), geometry(1), object(5)
memory usage: 1.2+ KB

First steps in getting to modeling features

So, how to make use of these samples for a predictive model? For now, we’ll take a similar approach taken in the original tutorial.

To keep things simple in this benchmark, we’ll just choose one to input into our benchmark model. Note that in your solution, you could find a way to incorporate multiple images!

We’ll narrow to one image in two steps: - If any Sentinel imagery is available, filter to only Sentinel imagery. Sentinel-2 is higher resolution than Landsat, which is extremely helpful for blooms in small water bodies. In this case, two images are from Sentinel and contain the actual sample location. - Select the item that is the closest time wise to the sampling date. This gives us a Sentinel-2A item that was captured on 10/20/2022 - two days before our sample was collected on 10/22.

This is a very simple way to choose the best image. You may want to explore additional strategies like selecting an image with less cloud cover obscuring the Earth’s surface (as in this tutorial).

# 1 - filter to sentinel using the str accessor
datetime geometry platform cloud_cover min_long max_long min_lat max_lat bbox sample_point item_obj contains_sample_point
1 2022-06-13 POLYGON ((-83.53807 45.00860, -83.50498 45.106... Sentinel-2B 95.372748 -83.538073 -82.128081 44.137997 45.148073 [-83.53807319, 44.13799675, -82.1280813, 45.14... POINT (-83.30284787280465 45.03967636446461) <Item id=S2B_MSIL2A_20220613T161829_R040_T17TL... True
2 2022-06-13 POLYGON ((-83.53731 45.01084, -83.50498 45.106... Sentinel-2B 99.999827 -83.537313 -83.000679 44.997588 45.989316 [-83.5373128, 44.99758761, -83.00067944, 45.98... POINT (-83.30284787280465 45.03967636446461) <Item id=S2B_MSIL2A_20220613T161829_R040_T16TG... True
3 2022-06-13 POLYGON ((-83.83576 44.11947, -83.80033 44.226... Sentinel-2B 99.957287 -83.835762 -83.063902 44.099771 45.098555 [-83.83576164, 44.09977092, -83.06390244, 45.0... POINT (-83.30284787280465 45.03967636446461) <Item id=S2B_MSIL2A_20220613T161829_R040_T16TG... True
6 2022-06-11 POLYGON ((-84.41644 46.02437, -83.00067 45.983... Sentinel-2A 37.726283 -84.461300 -83.000670 44.997588 46.024365 [-84.4613, 44.99758761, -83.00067, 46.02436508] POINT (-83.30284787280465 45.03967636446461) <Item id=S2A_MSIL2A_20220611T162911_R083_T16TG... True
10 2022-06-08 POLYGON ((-83.53696 44.98261, -83.53192 44.997... Sentinel-2A 73.155582 -83.536960 -82.128080 44.137997 45.148073 [-83.53696, 44.13799675, -82.12808, 45.14807318] POINT (-83.30284787280465 45.03967636446461) <Item id=S2A_MSIL2A_20220608T161841_R040_T17TL... True
11 2022-06-08 POLYGON ((-83.52750 45.01056, -83.48218 45.144... Sentinel-2A 62.271535 -83.527500 -83.000670 44.997588 45.989043 [-83.5275, 44.99758761, -83.00067, 45.98904329] POINT (-83.30284787280465 45.03967636446461) <Item id=S2A_MSIL2A_20220608T161841_R040_T16TG... True
12 2022-06-08 POLYGON ((-83.82636 44.11920, -83.77829 44.263... Sentinel-2A 97.201419 -83.826355 -83.063900 44.099771 45.098275 [-83.826355, 44.09977092, -83.0639, 45.09827524] POINT (-83.30284787280465 45.03967636446461) <Item id=S2A_MSIL2A_20220608T161841_R040_T16TG... True
14 2022-06-06 POLYGON ((-82.14615 45.08442, -82.20325 44.945... Sentinel-2B 100.000000 -83.543150 -82.146150 44.137997 45.148073 [-83.54315, 44.13799675, -82.14615, 45.14807318] POINT (-83.30284787280465 45.03967636446461) <Item id=S2B_MSIL2A_20220606T162839_R083_T17TL... True
15 2022-06-06 POLYGON ((-84.41644 46.02437, -83.00067 45.983... Sentinel-2B 99.779093 -84.461300 -83.000670 44.997588 46.024365 [-84.4613, 44.99758761, -83.00067, 46.02436508] POINT (-83.30284787280465 45.03967636446461) <Item id=S2B_MSIL2A_20220606T162839_R083_T16TG... True
16 2022-06-06 POLYGON ((-84.45737 45.12552, -83.06390 45.085... Sentinel-2B 100.000000 -84.500150 -83.063900 44.099771 45.125525 [-84.50015, 44.09977092, -83.0639, 45.12552488] POINT (-83.30284787280465 45.03967636446461) <Item id=S2B_MSIL2A_20220606T162839_R083_T16TG... True

The closest date appears to be the Sentinel-2B image taken on 2022-06-13. However, the images from that date have really high cloud coverage values. So, let’s take the Sentinel-2 image with the lowest cloud cover value.

# 2 - take lowest cloud cover
best_item = (
    .sort_values(by="cloud_cover", ascending=True)
datetime                                                        2022-06-11
geometry                 POLYGON ((-84.41644 46.0243651, -83.00067 45.9...
platform                                                       Sentinel-2A
cloud_cover                                                      37.726283
min_long                                                          -84.4613
max_long                                                         -83.00067
min_lat                                                          44.997588
max_lat                                                          46.024365
bbox                       [-84.4613, 44.99758761, -83.00067, 46.02436508]
sample_point                  POINT (-83.30284787280465 45.03967636446461)
item_obj                 <Item id=S2A_MSIL2A_20220611T162911_R083_T16TG...
contains_sample_point                                                 True
Name: 6, dtype: object

The actual COG is accessible through item_obj (our name), which is just a pystac.item.Item object.

<Item id=S2A_MSIL2A_20220611T162911_R083_T16TGR_20220612T145248>

Using stuff we did in Part 2, let’s crop the image around our sample point and take a look.

def crop_sentinel_image(item, bounding_box, asset_str):
    Given a STAC item from Sentinel-2 and a bounding box tuple in the format
    (minx, miny, maxx, maxy), return a cropped portion of the item's visual
    imagery in the bounding box.

    Returns the image as a numpy array with dimensions (color band, height, width)
    (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) = bounding_box

    cropped_image = rioxarray.open_rasterio(pc.sign(item.assets[asset_str].href)).rio.clip_box(

    return cropped_image
bbox_small = get_bounding_box(lat, long, meter_buffer=500)

# Crop the image
cropped_img = crop_sentinel_image(best_item.item_obj, bbox_small, 'visual')
print(f'cropped_image is a {type(cropped_img)} with dimensions of {cropped_img.dims} and shape = {cropped_img.shape}')

# Create a numpy array from the cropped image
cropped_img_array = cropped_img.to_numpy()
print(f'cropped_image_array is a {type(cropped_img_array)} with shape = {cropped_img_array.shape}')
cropped_image is a <class 'xarray.core.dataarray.DataArray'> with dimensions of ('band', 'y', 'x') and shape = (3, 106, 106)
cropped_image_array is a <class 'numpy.ndarray'> with shape = (3, 106, 106)

You can see how the xarray package adds dimension names to numpy arrays.

We have to transpose some of the dimensions to plot since matplotlib expects channels in a certain order (y, x, band). Note that the band dimension is of length 3 - red, green and blue.

plt.imshow(np.transpose(cropped_img_array, axes=[1, 2, 0]))
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7ff7dca7d0a0>

What about those Landsat images?

We kind of just dismissed the Landsat images in the previous section. Let’s learn a little more about Landsat imagery and do some pre-processing to get these images to be more comparable to the Sentinel-2 images in terms of the underlying pixel values.

Some Landsat background and analysis challenges

Landsat, a joint NASA/USGS program, provides the longest continuous space-based record of Earth’s land in existence.

There have been many Landsat missions since the original launch in 1972. The competition data only goes back to 2013, so participants should only use Landsat 8 and Landsat 9. Participants may not use any previous Landsat missions. Landsat 8 and Landsat 9 satellites are out of phase with one another, so that between the two each point on the Earth is revisited every 8 days. The data collected by Landsat 9 is very similar to Landsat 8.

Participants may use either level-1 or level-2 data, but may not use level-3. In addition to bottom-of-atmosphere reflectance, Landsat level-2 also includes a measurement of surface temperature, which is relevant to the behavior of algal blooms.


Landsat Collection 2 Level-2 Science Products, consisting of atmospherically corrected surface reflectance and surface temperature image data. Collection 2 Level-2 Science Products are available from August 22, 1982 to present.

This dataset represents the global archive of Level-2 data from Landsat Collection 2 acquired by the Thematic Mapper onboard Landsat 4 and 5, the Enhanced Thematic Mapper onboard Landsat 7, and the Operatational Land Imager and Thermal Infrared Sensor onboard Landsat 8 and 9. Images are stored in cloud-optimized GeoTIFF format.

From the main tutorial:

Note that unlike Sentinel-2 imagery, Landsat imagery is not originally returned with image values scaled to 0-255. Our function above scales the pixel values with cv2.normalize(image_array, None, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX) so that it is more comparable to our Sentinel-2 imagery, and we can input both of them as features into our model. You may want to explore other methods of converting Sentinel and Landsat imagery to comparable scales to make sure that no information is lost when re-scaling.

Exploring a Landsat image

We have a few Landsat images in the collection of items we found and they had pretty low cloud cover values. Let’s get the one with the lowest cloud cover.

# 2 - take lowest cloud cover
best_item_landsat = (
    .sort_values(by="cloud_cover", ascending=True)
datetime                                                        2022-06-11
geometry                 POLYGON ((-85.1295869 45.6636126, -85.7045499 ...
platform                                                         landsat-8
cloud_cover                                                          36.88
min_long                                                        -85.735586
max_long                                                        -82.751318
min_lat                                                          43.514205
max_lat                                                          45.676265
bbox                     [-85.73558553, 43.51420503, -82.75131771, 45.6...
sample_point                  POINT (-83.30284787280465 45.03967636446461)
item_obj                         <Item id=LC08_L2SP_021029_20220611_02_T1>
contains_sample_point                                                 True
Name: 7, dtype: object

Again, the COG itself is in the item_obj column. The problem is that the assets that exist for Landsat COGs are slightly different than those for Sentinel-2.

for asset_key, asset in best_item_landsat.item_obj.assets.items():
    print(f"{asset_key:<25} - {asset.title}")
qa                        - Surface Temperature Quality Assessment Band
ang                       - Angle Coefficients File
red                       - Red Band
blue                      - Blue Band
drad                      - Downwelled Radiance Band
emis                      - Emissivity Band
emsd                      - Emissivity Standard Deviation Band
trad                      - Thermal Radiance Band
urad                      - Upwelled Radiance Band
atran                     - Atmospheric Transmittance Band
cdist                     - Cloud Distance Band
green                     - Green Band
nir08                     - Near Infrared Band 0.8
lwir11                    - Surface Temperature Band
swir16                    - Short-wave Infrared Band 1.6
swir22                    - Short-wave Infrared Band 2.2
coastal                   - Coastal/Aerosol Band
mtl.txt                   - Product Metadata File (txt)
mtl.xml                   - Product Metadata File (xml)
mtl.json                  - Product Metadata File (json)
qa_pixel                  - Pixel Quality Assessment Band
qa_radsat                 - Radiometric Saturation and Terrain Occlusion Quality Assessment Band
qa_aerosol                - Aerosol Quality Assessment Band
tilejson                  - TileJSON with default rendering
rendered_preview          - Rendered preview

You can find a good data dictionary at this MPC Landsat page.

We aren’t going to dig into all the details here, but instead will just focus on the issue raised in the original tutorial. The red, blue and green bands in the Landsat item are not scaled on a 0-255 scale. Here’s the code from the original tutorial that uses the odc-stac and opencv libraries to normalize the red, blue and green bands to 0-255. A few things of note:

  • the odc.stac.stac_load() function allows you to specify a list of bands to load
  • the cv2.normalize() function is used to put the values on the 0-255 scale
def crop_landsat_image(item, bounding_box):
    Given a STAC item from Landsat and a bounding box tuple in the format
    (minx, miny, maxx, maxy), return a cropped portion of the item's visual
    imagery in the bounding box.

    Returns the image as a numpy array with dimensions (color band, height, width)
    (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) = bounding_box

    image = odc.stac.stac_load(
        [pc.sign(item)], bands=["red", "green", "blue"], bbox=[minx, miny, maxx, maxy]
    image_array = image[["red", "green", "blue"]].to_array().to_numpy()

    # normalize to 0 - 255 values
    image_array = cv2.normalize(image_array, None, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX)

    return image_array

Unfortunately, I had all kinds of problems getting odc-stac and opencv (includes the cv2 module) installed in my conda virtual environment. I figured instead of fighting with that, I’d figure out how to use rioxarray instead of odc-stac to load the bands into arrays and simply write my own normalize function to do the rescaling.

First, just to illustrate the scale problem, I’ll load the red band.

red_href = best_item_landsat.item_obj.assets["red"].href
ds = rioxarray.open_rasterio(red_href)
<xarray.DataArray (band: 1, y: 7761, x: 7641)>
[59301801 values with dtype=uint16]
  * band         (band) int64 1
  * x            (x) float64 6.021e+05 6.021e+05 ... 8.313e+05 8.313e+05
  * y            (y) float64 5.059e+06 5.059e+06 ... 4.826e+06 4.826e+06
    spatial_ref  int64 0
    AREA_OR_POINT:  Point
    _FillValue:     0
    scale_factor:   1.0
    add_offset:     0.0
ds[0, 4000:4005, 4000:4005].values
array([[8521, 8506, 8422, 8492, 8494],
       [8470, 8602, 8435, 8549, 8613],
       [8554, 8512, 8454, 8454, 8633],
       [8506, 8521, 8315, 8299, 8424],
       [8612, 8578, 8402, 8225, 8215]], dtype=uint16)

Yep, values aren’t between 0-255.

I found that rioxarray.open_rasterio has the following input parameter:

  • band_as_variable (bool, default=False) – If True, will load bands in a raster to separate variables.

Hmm, not sure that will work as we don’t have a single raster file with all the bands. Instead we can load the red, green and blue bands separately, rescale them and then merge them.

Rescaling a vector of values to a new min and max is pretty easy.

rescaled_value = new_min + (new_max - new_min) * (value - value.min) / (value.max - value.min)

Since our min is 0 and max is 255, this simplifies to:

rescaled_value = 255 * (value - value.min) / (value.max - value.min)

There was a little numpy trickiness (see last line of code below).

minx, miny, maxx, maxy = bbox

bands = {}
bands_rescaled = {}
for band in ['red', 'green', 'blue']:
    bands[band] = rioxarray.open_rasterio(best_item_landsat.item_obj.assets[band].href).rio.clip_box(
    # Rescale to 0-255
    min_of_band = bands[band].min(dim=['x', 'y']).values
    max_of_band = bands[band].max(dim=['x', 'y']).values
    range_of_band = max_of_band - min_of_band
    bands_rescaled[band] = bands[band].copy()
    bands_rescaled[band].values = np.around(np.array([255]) * (bands[band].values - min_of_band) / range_of_band).astype('int')
[-83.34092260849519, 45.01268150971338, -83.2647731371141, 45.06667109107233]
array([[[34, 34, 35, ...,  9, 10,  9],
        [33, 35, 36, ...,  9, 10, 10],
        [33, 35, 35, ..., 10, 10, 10],
        [29, 33, 33, ..., 37, 38, 37],
        [28, 32, 31, ..., 37, 36, 37],
        [30, 32, 31, ..., 37, 36, 36]]])

Now let’s combine the red, green, and blue bands to create the equivalent of the Sentinel-2 visual band. Now, we don’t really need to do this for purposes of developing features for machine learning models, but it seems like a useful thing to know how to do and will let us directly compare the Landsat and Sentinel-2 images. The major steps we used are:

  • create a list containing three DataArrays corresponding to the rescaled red, green and blue bands
  • before adding each array to the list, add a band identifier as a coordinate
  • combine the three DataArrays using xarray.combine
for band in ['red', 'green', 'blue']:
    band_name = np.array([band])
    bands_rescaled[band] = bands_rescaled[band].assign_coords(band_name = ("band", band_name))
    # keep the unscaled version around for comparison
    bands[band] = bands[band].assign_coords(band_name = ("band", band_name))
bands_list = [val for key, val in bands_rescaled.items()]

bands_list_unscaled = [val for key, val in bands.items()]

Combine the arrays into a single DataArray.

import xarray as xr
bands_combined = xr.concat(bands_list, 'band')
bands_combined_unscaled = xr.concat(bands_list_unscaled, 'band')

Now we’ve got a single array we can crop and we have already normalized it.

def crop_landsat_image(combined_xr, bounding_box):
    Given a STAC item from Landsat and a bounding box tuple in the format
    (minx, miny, maxx, maxy), return a cropped portion of the item's visual
    imagery in the bounding box.

    Returns the image as a numpy array with dimensions (color band, height, width)
    (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) = bounding_box

    #image = odc.stac.stac_load(
    #    [pc.sign(item)], bands=["red", "green", "blue"], bbox=[minx, miny, maxx, maxy]
    #image_array = image[["red", "green", "blue"]].to_array().to_numpy()
    cropped_image =

    return cropped_image
# we'll use the same cropped area as above
landsat_image_array = crop_landsat_image(bands_combined, bbox)
landsat_image_array_unscaled = crop_landsat_image(bands_combined_unscaled, bbox)
# Show the red band
<xarray.DataArray (y: 210, x: 210)>
array([[34, 34, 35, ...,  9, 10,  9],
       [33, 35, 36, ...,  9, 10, 10],
       [33, 35, 35, ..., 10, 10, 10],
       [29, 33, 33, ..., 37, 38, 37],
       [28, 32, 31, ..., 37, 36, 37],
       [30, 32, 31, ..., 37, 36, 36]])
    band         int64 1
  * x            (x) float64 7.881e+05 7.881e+05 ... 7.943e+05 7.943e+05
  * y            (y) float64 4.997e+06 4.997e+06 ... 4.991e+06 4.991e+06
    band_name    <U5 'red'
    spatial_ref  int64 0
    AREA_OR_POINT:  Point
    scale_factor:   1.0
    add_offset:     0.0
    _FillValue:     0
plt.imshow(np.transpose(landsat_image_array, axes=[1, 2, 0]))
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7ff7dc92d550>

I should probably revisit trying to get odc-stac and opencv installed in my conda virtual environment, but it was time well spent doing this manually - learned some xarray things that will be useful in the future.

odc-stac update

I was reading another official tutorial on reading Landsat data from MPC and I saw how handy it was going to be to have odc-stac installed. And, I realized that my previous issue with installing odc-stac was almost certainly caused by some bad choices by me in mixing pip and conda installs. Just added odc-stac to my conda env (see Part 1) with:

conda install -c conda-forge odc-stac

and everything still seems to be working just fine. Now, we could simply use the code (with a few changes) from the original tutorial to load the raster file and crop the image. I added in the normalizing code I wrote earlier in this tutorial. I’m also folding in some code from the tutorial I just mentioned that adds some additional bands to the mix.

import odc.stac
def crop_landsat_image_odcstac(item, bounding_box, normalize=False):
    Given a STAC item from Landsat and a bounding box tuple in the format
    (minx, miny, maxx, maxy), return a cropped portion of the item's visual
    imagery in the bounding box.

    Returns the image as an xarray
    (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) = bounding_box

    bands_of_interest = ["nir08", "red", "green", "blue", "qa_pixel", "lwir11"]
    image = odc.stac.stac_load(
        [pc.sign(item)], bands=bands_of_interest, bbox=[minx, miny, maxx, maxy]
    if normalize:
        for band in ['red', 'green', 'blue']:
            min_of_band = image[band].min(dim=['x', 'y']).values
            max_of_band = image[band].max(dim=['x', 'y']).values
            range_of_band = max_of_band - min_of_band
            image[band].values =  np.around(np.array([255]) * (image[band].values - min_of_band) / range_of_band).astype('int')   

    return image

To plot the unscaled image, we need to include the robust=True argument, else matplotlib will ignore values outside of 0-255.

See this page in the matplotlib docs.

# we'll use the same cropped area as above
landsat_image_array_odcstac = crop_landsat_image_odcstac(best_item_landsat.item_obj, bbox, normalize=False)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5))
landsat_image_array_odcstac[["red", "green", "blue"]].to_array().plot.imshow(robust=True, ax=ax)
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7ff7ef318040>

Here’s the normalized version.

# we'll use the same cropped area as above
landsat_image_array_odcstac = crop_landsat_image_odcstac(best_item_landsat.item_obj, bbox, normalize=True)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5))
landsat_image_array_odcstac[["red", "green", "blue"]].to_array().plot.imshow(ax=ax)
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7ff7ef2c9820>

NDVI and Surface Temperature

Finally, since we added in some additional bands, we can do things such as computing NDVI and displaying that. From the MPC tutorial mentioned above:

Landsat has several bands, and with them we can go beyond rendering natural color imagery; for example, the following code computes a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) using the near-infrared and red bands. Note that we convert the red and near infrared bands to a data type that can contain negative values; if this is not done, negative NDVI values will be incorrectly stored.

red = landsat_image_array_odcstac["red"].astype("float")
nir = landsat_image_array_odcstac["nir08"].astype("float")
ndvi = (nir - red) / (nir + red)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 5))
ndvi.plot.imshow(ax=ax, cmap="viridis")
ax.set_title("NDVI, Thunder Bay (MI)");

What if we wanted to add ndvi to the xarray as a new band?

landsat_image_array_odcstac["ndvi"] = ndvi
Dimensions:      (y: 210, x: 210)
  * y            (y) float64 4.997e+06 4.997e+06 ... 4.991e+06 4.991e+06
  * x            (x) float64 7.881e+05 7.881e+05 ... 7.943e+05 7.943e+05
    spatial_ref  int32 32616
    time         datetime64[ns] 2022-06-11T16:22:04.584079
Data variables:
    nir08        (y, x) uint16 16636 16749 16906 16423 ... 9239 9247 9233 9219
    red          (y, x) int64 33 34 34 35 38 40 40 40 ... 38 37 37 36 37 37 36
    green        (y, x) int64 32 33 34 36 39 39 41 41 ... 32 32 29 29 29 29 29
    blue         (y, x) int64 43 47 45 49 52 53 55 54 ... 73 72 70 69 68 66 66
    qa_pixel     (y, x) uint16 21824 21824 21824 21824 ... 22280 22280 22280
    lwir11       (y, x) uint16 39453 39482 39491 39496 ... 38820 38829 38837
    ndvi         (y, x) float64 0.996 0.9959 0.996 0.9957 ... 0.992 0.992 0.9922

Finally, let’s plot surface temperature (available via the lwir11 key). According to the MPC tutorial:

The raw values are rescaled, so you should scale and offset the data before interpreting it. Use the metadata in the asset’s raster_bands to find the scale and offset values:

band_info = best_item_landsat.item_obj.assets["lwir11"].extra_fields["raster:bands"][0]
{'unit': 'kelvin',
 'scale': 0.00341802,
 'nodata': 0,
 'offset': 149.0,
 'data_type': 'uint16',
 'spatial_resolution': 30}

To go from raw values to Kelvin we do this (again, just following the MPC tutorial):

temperature = landsat_image_array_odcstac["lwir11"].astype(float)
temperature *= band_info["scale"]
temperature += band_info["offset"]
temperature[:5, :5]
<xarray.DataArray 'lwir11' (y: 5, x: 5)>
array([[283.85114306, 283.95026564, 283.98102782, 283.99811792,
       [283.79987276, 283.78278266, 283.79645474, 283.75885652,
        283.7383484 ],
       [283.73493038, 283.66656998, 283.6358078 , 283.56061136,
       [283.6528979 , 283.62213572, 283.52984918, 283.41705452,
       [283.66315196, 283.57770146, 283.45465274, 283.32476798,
  * y            (y) float64 4.997e+06 4.997e+06 4.997e+06 4.997e+06 4.997e+06
  * x            (x) float64 7.881e+05 7.881e+05 7.881e+05 7.881e+05 7.882e+05
    spatial_ref  int32 32616
    time         datetime64[ns] 2022-06-11T16:22:04.584079
    nodata:   0
celsius = temperature - 273.15
celsius.plot(cmap="magma", size=5);

A good place to stop for part 3

In this part we:

  • Used the STAC API to search for images of interest in MPC based on a target location and target date,
  • Used GeoPandas to manage the process of filtering out and finding the best image
  • Used xarray to manually rescale Landsat bands to 0-255 scale.
  • Got odc-stac installed and updated Landsat cropping procedure
  • Plotted NDVI and Surface Temperature

In the next part, we’ll focus on converting our imagery data to features that can be used in a machine learning model.



BibTeX citation:
  author = {Mark Isken},
  title = {Algal Bloom Detection Extended Tutorial - {Part} 3: {Finding}
    Images of Interest},
  date = {2023-01-29},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Mark Isken. 2023. “Algal Bloom Detection Extended Tutorial - Part 3: Finding Images of Interest.” January 29, 2023.